Models of Thought: v. 1
- Hardcover: 524 pages
- Publisher: Yale University Press (January 1980)
- Language: English
Publication Date: January 1980 | ISBN-10: 0300023472 | ISBN-13: 978-0300023473
Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon has in the past quarter
century been in the front line of the information-processing revolution;
in fact, to a remarkable extent his and his colleagues' contributions
have written the history of that revolution in cognitive psychology.
This book brings together papers dating from the start of Simon's career
to the present. Its focus is on modeling the chief components of human
cognition and on testing these models experimentally.
--This text refers to the
Models of Thought, Volume 2 (v. 2) [Paperback]
- Paperback
- Publisher: Yale University Press (July 19, 1989)
- Language: English
昨天跟錦坤夫婦共飯。由於浙菜口味重,不覺多吃一碗飯。“偏到荒年飯量加” 。
Ken 還《顧亭林詩集》。我翻到”世事陵夷極 生涯閱歷枯” 卻發現我`今年五月間就有此解字。
我發覺一不可原諒的疏忽: Ken 在80年代腎臟有點問題,不過當時我沒發覺。我跟他談起前一陣在You Tube 看昔日半導體業大英雄Andy Grove 抱病做”顧氏?紀念演講” ,諄諄告誡國人務必多深入研究醫療經濟學。
Simon 編其Models of Thought 方式。這次我跟他說某家Print ON Demand 的經驗。
我說很關心Irving Babbitt白璧德的法句經翻譯文集 : The Dhammapada (1936) translator, with essay
這次到Wikipedia 的日文版,發現此等經典,日本有近20種翻譯,英譯也有七八種。 我們討論為什麼中國對它們興趣不再高,偏見,以及學術人還想追求教義的開悟。
我說希望有本《法句經》的百科全書或Handbook (大處著眼) 。Ken 說論文當然從小處著手。
Ken 說很感謝台灣的一些雜誌刊登他的論文,有的還有稿費。