2018年10月9日 星期二

Paul Romer,

諾貝爾經濟學獎,我只讀過Romer 教授
發展「新成長理論」的史丹福大學教授羅摩(Paul Romer)
「《價格的祕密》Price of Everything (經濟新潮)具體描繪了我們所處的、令人驚嘆的經濟世界。這本書會改變您的生活——因為閱讀後,你將體會日常生活中原來充滿了不可思議的驚奇讚嘆。」
——保羅.羅默(Paul Romer),史丹福大學教授
> > The hero of the second half of Mr Warsh's book is Paul Romer, of Stanford University, who took up the challenge ducked by Mr Solow. If technological
> > progress dictates economic growth, what kind of economics governs technological advance? In a series of papers, culminating in an article in the Journal of Political Economy in 1990, Mr Romer tried to make technology
"endogenous", to explain it within the terms of his model. In doing so, he steered growth theory out of the comfortable cul-de-sac in which Mr Solow had so neatly parked it.
The escape required a three-point turn. First, Mr Romer assumed that ideas were goods—of a particular kind. Ideas, unlike things, are "non-rival":
everyone can make use of a single design, recipe or blueprint at the same time. This turn in the argument led to a second: the fabrication of ideas enjoys increasing returns to scale. Expensive to produce, they are cheap,
> > almost costless, to reproduce. Thus the total cost of a design does not change much, whether it is used by one person or by a million.
~The growth of growth theory
May 18th 2006
From The Economist print edition

New York University 的直播影片。

NYU Stern School of Business holds a press conference with Paul Romer, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in economics.
