2024年12月24日 星期二

How Hallucinatory A.I. Helps Science Dream Up Big Breakthroughs A.I.解開生命最深層的秘密,為治癒疾病、改善健康和延長壽命奠定強大的新基礎。. AI底層真相 : 如何避免數位滲透的陰影 / 穆吉亞著 ; 江坤山譯 = Code dependent : living in the shadow of AI / Madhumita Murgia


How Hallucinatory A.I. Helps Science Dream Up Big Breakthroughs  A.I.解開生命最深層的秘密,為治癒疾病、改善健康和延長壽命奠定強大的新基礎。.      AI底層真相 : 如何避免數位滲透的陰影 / 穆吉亞著 ; 江坤山譯 = Code dependent : living in the shadow of AI / Madhumita Murgia

“The acceleration keeps on happening,” said Ian C. Haydon, a member of Dr. Baker’s team. “It’s incredible.”

Others concur. “It’s amazing what will come out in the next few years,” Dr. Kohli said. He sees A.I. as unlocking life’s deepest secrets and establishing a powerful new basis for curing ills, improving health and lengthening lives.

“Once we decipher and truly understand the language of life,” he said, “it will be magical.”

「這種加速持續發生,」貝克博士團隊成員伊恩·C·海頓 (Ian C. Haydon) 說。 “這太不可思議了。”

其他人也同意。 「未來幾年將會出現令人驚奇的結果,」科利博士說。他看到了 A.I.解開生命最深層的秘密,為治癒疾病、改善健康和延長壽命奠定強大的新基礎。


How Hallucinatory A.I. Helps Science Dream Up Big Breakthroughs

In the universe of science, however, innovators are finding that A.I. hallucinations can be remarkably useful. The smart machines, it turns out, are dreaming up riots of unrealities that help scientists track cancer, design drugs, invent medical devices, uncover weather phenomena and even win the Nobel Prize.

“The public thinks it’s all bad,” 

“But it’s actually giving scientists new ideas. It’s giving them the chance to explore ideas they might not have thought about otherwise.”

Less visibly, the early stages of discovery can teem with hunches and wild guesswork. “Anything goes” is how Paul Feyerabend


“事情進展很快,”他說。 “即使是以研究蛋白質為生的科學家也不知道事情已經走了多遠。”他的實驗室設計了多少種蛋白質? 「一千萬——都是全新的,」他回答。 “它們不會出現在自然界中。”


「你需要測試它,」阿南德庫馬爾博士談到人工智慧時說道。結果。 「A.I. 新設計的東西。幻覺需要測試。


Now, A.I. hallucinations are reinvigorating the creative side of science. They speed the process by which scientists and inventors dream up new ideas and test them to see if reality concurs. It’s the scientific method — only supercharged. What once took years can now be done in days, hours and minutes. In some cases, the accelerated cycles of inquiry help scientists open new frontiers.

“Things are moving fast,” he said. “Even scientists who do proteins for a living don’t know how far things have come.” How many proteins has his lab designed? “Ten million — all brand-new,” he replied. “They don’t occur in nature.”

Most fundamentally, they said, the creative bursts are rooted in the hard facts of nature and science rather than the ambiguities of human language or the blur of the internet, known for its biases and falsehoods.

“You need to test it,” Dr. Anandkumar said of A.I. results. “Something newly designed by A.I. hallucinations requires testing.”

used A.I. hallucinations to help design a new kind of catheter that greatly reduces bacterial contamination — a global bane that annually causes millions of urinary tract infections. She said the team’s A.I. model dreamed up many thousands of catheter geometries and it then picked one that was the most effective.

noun C ]
long, very thin tube used to take liquids out of the body


AI底層真相 : 如何避免數位滲透的陰影 / 穆吉亞著 ; 江坤山譯 = Code dependent : living in the shadow of AI / Madhumita Murgia
Madhumita Murgia is a writer specialising in artificial intelligence. In February 2023 she was appointed as the first AI Editor of the Financial Times. Wikipedia

A penetrating look at how we're allowing artificial intelligence to infiltrate all parts of society, from policing, welfare, justice and health.

Shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction
Named a best book of the year by The Spectator and Publishers Weekly

A riveting story of what it means to be human in a world changed by artificial intelligence, revealing the perils and inequities of our growing reliance on automated decision-making

On the surface, a British poet, an UberEats courier in Pittsburgh, an Indian doctor, and a Chinese activist in exile have nothing in common. But they are in fact linked by a profound common experience―unexpected encounters with artificial intelligence. In 
Code Dependent, Murgia shows how automated systems are reshaping our lives all over the world, from technology that marks children as future criminals, to an app that is helping to give diagnoses to a remote tribal community.

AI has already infiltrated our day-to-day, through language-generating chatbots like ChatGPT and social media. But it’s also affecting us in more insidious ways. It touches everything from our interpersonal relationships, to our kids’ education, work, finances, public services, and even our human rights.

By highlighting the voices of ordinary people in places far removed from the cozy enclave of Silicon Valley, 
Code Dependent explores the impact of a set of powerful, flawed, and often-exploitative technologies on individuals, communities, and our wider society. Murgia exposes how AI can strip away our collective and individual sense of agency, and shatter our illusion of free will.

The ways in which algorithms and their effects are governed over the coming years will profoundly impact us all. Yet we can’t agree on a common path forward. We cannot decide what preferences and morals we want to encode in these entities―or what controls we may want to impose on them. And thus, we are collectively relinquishing our moral authority to machines.

Code Dependent, Murgia not only sheds light on this chilling phenomenon, but also charts a path of resistance. AI is already changing what it means to be human, in ways large and small, and Murgia reveals what could happen if we fail to reclaim our humanity.

出版社:天下文化 2024


  1. 如何掌控自己的數位隱私權。
  2. 如何避免成為深度偽造技術的受害者。
  3. 當機器管理出現問題時該怎麼處理。
  4. 人臉辨識技術和犯罪預防系統有哪些風險。
  5. 如何正確看待人工智慧。












  《金融時報》AI領域編輯,負責AI和其他新興技術的報導。因走訪世界各地,為《連線》、《華盛頓郵報》、《新聞週刊》和《每日電訊報》等媒體撰寫有關尖端技術人物、新創公司和企業,以及科學和科技對社會影響的文章,屢獲殊榮。經常出現在廣播電台和電視節目,包括BBC的旗艦節目《今日》和Sky News新聞頻道。曾於TED講述個人數據遭盜用的經歷,吸引近4000萬人觀看。






前言 我們身為人類的基本經驗正在改變

第1章 AI產業中的隱形工人

第2章 AI偽造的影像與聲音

第3章 自動化的人臉辨識

第4章 展現曙光的AI醫療

第5章 演算法給的犯罪預言

第6章 資料化的社會安全網

第7章 老闆不是人

第8章 尚不完備的法律

第9章 全面監控

第10章 轟動社會的新突破

後記 讓人類保持一致的價值


Murgia, Madhumita.
