tact and dry sense of humour. Brutalist Buildings 野獸派建築? “She had the tact of a general and the grace of a queen.”
"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy."
~ Isaac Newton
Mr. Weymouth liked to say of Ms. Wyeth, “She had the tact of a general and the grace of a queen.”

第一次看到將 Brutalist Buildings 翻譯成野獸派建築",真是的,紐約時報的翻譯者可能聯想到法國的野獸派畫Fauvism (is the style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a group of early twentieth-century modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism.)
Too Ugly to Be Saved? Singapore Weighs Fate of Its Brutalist Buildings
New York Times·1 day ago
Singapore's Brutalist buildings struggle to be recognized as heritage worth keeping
Archinect·15 hours ago
新加坡獨立建國後,當地建築師設計了許多著名的野獸派建築地標。現在,其中一些建築即將被出售給私人開發商,這引發了一場關於城市重建與保護的辯論。一些人質疑: 醜陋的建築是否值得被保存 ? (《 紐約時報 》)