2020年6月4日 星期四

2004的筆記 1 文學批評 literary criticism: a cognitive approach (3 )

 謝謝Gary和其他與會朋友的幫忙整理出這份                                                                                                                                                                     很精要的紀錄
劉總和黃博會負責follow up 即跟催和報告進展
我與Allen提過有一重要的生產系統績效指標TPM (姑且以關鍵機器的停機時間表示) 如何融入我們的東西


Let us turn to even simpler examples of meaning than those already discussed. Meanings can attach to units as small as a word (or even a morpheme within a word), as well as to clauses, sentences, and much larger units. We begin at the bottom. One can think about the meaning of the word "dog" in a variety of ways. One can think of the executable perceptual tests stored in memory that enable one to answer, more or less veridically, the question: "Is that a dog?" These tests provide what is often called the intensional meaning of the term. 

我們現在轉題到那些關於意義的例子,它們遠比剛才談的更為簡單得多。意義可以賦在小單元,如字/詞(甚至於拼音字的語素(morpheme) ) 、子句、句子,以及更大的單元。我們先從底部談起(先從。我們就英文的dog一字,可以作種種不同的想法。我們可以想到我們記憶中所儲的可執行的知覺測試,它們能讓我們多少合乎真實地回答這提問「它是一條狗嗎」這些測試提供我們通常稱為詞的「內包」意義
對於何謂意義,現在讓我們再來看看一些比前面所談更簡單的例子。意義可以是附在小如字詞的單元裡,甚至是小如語素(morpheme)的單元裡,也可以是附在子句、句子或更大的單元。我們先從底層談起。以英文中dog(狗)字為例,它可以包含許多不同的意思。但對於「這是一條狗嗎」這問題,我們記憶中儲存的知覺資料卻讓我們可以進行對比,作出多少具有確定性的回答。反省這對比過程,我們就可知道dog字的內涵意義(intensional meaning

But there is more to dogs than just recognizing them. One has also stored in memory a large body of information about dogs that goes far beyond the capacity of recognition. There is the whole set of dogs one has known: a part of the extension of the term. One knows also a great deal about what dogs eat, what noises they make (and under what circumstances), what behaviors toward them might cause them to wag their tails, to bark, or (worse yet) to bite. On the basis of this knowledge one can form expectations and predictions about a dog's behavior. One has not only knowledge and beliefs about dogs, but feelings as well. The mere propinquity of a dog arouses strong fear in some people and irresistible impulses to pet it in others.

I haven't begun to exhaust the meaning of "dog" for almost anyone. There's the Dog Star, and dog days, hangdog behavior, a dog's life, and there are doggish people. All of these chunks, and others, stored in memory, are part of the meaning of "dog." Thinking of one or another of the chunks may evoke the word "dog," and hearing or reading the word may evoke some of the chunks. 
其實我談到的「狗」的意義,還只是一般人所知道的一部分而已。還有某隻狗明星、酷熱夏日(dog day)、感到罪過的羞愧行為反映(hangdog behavior)、「日子可不怎麼好過…..(幽默,其實你很爽)(a dog's life)、還有像狗一樣的(愛吵鬧的或暴躁的)傢伙們(doggish people) 。這些記憶單位(團塊,chunks)都存在記憶中,構成「狗」的意義之一部分。一想到上述的任一團塊,就可能引發「狗」這字,而且我們一聽到或讀到dog這字,可能引發記憶中的某些單元
有關dog這個字的意義,我前面談到的還只是幾乎人所皆知的全部意義的一部份。dog這個字還會用在其他的脈絡,如Dog Star(天狼星)、dog days(大熱天)、 hangdog behavior(鬼鬼祟祟的行為)、 a dog's life(潦倒的人生)和doggish people(暴躁的人)。所有這些組構,都會被我們儲存在記憶裡,成為dog字意義的一部份。想到這些組構的某一個時,我們都有可能會聯想到dog字,而聽到或讀到dog字時,我們也可能會聯想到上述組構的其中一些。

Potential and Actual Meaning潛在的與實際的意義

It is an important fact that, even when the word is read, not all or even most of these components of meanings are generally evoked. We have seen that which are evoked in any given instance will depend much upon both reader and context. We need to distinguish potential meaning from actual meaning. 


2004/2/15 Sun
回宿舍與DR 兩總繼續談GARY ALLEN問題 他與YK溝通 如何讓現場更有活力 長安的上有政策下有對策 幹部住房 關機 兩岸三地組織 MATRIX 方式 ENTERTAINMENT交際報帳 REGIONAL MEETING 內湖與桃園廠集合 加班問題

2004/2/14 Saturday
我睡Gary房 一夜未受擾 作夢竟然是鄭蓮英嫁人受孕等情節 匪夷所思 不知為什麼會夢寐以求還有一番 六點半醒來 清洗一番
想到要將policy deployment和QFD整合到MANUAL去
昨天黃說他已買JURAN QUALITY HBK的international edition
昨lili呆了一周 真是天地悠悠

我人在蘇州 不過我記憶應該還可信
繁體字版是香港的牛津大學出版社 perhaps 1995
簡體字版可能是上海的外文大學出版社 PERHAPS 1999

2004/2/13 Friday

2004/2/12 Thursday
其怪 幾乎無人吃早餐 只有auditors 她倆昨夜吃飯的方式與台灣人端碗者大異其趣
4 set of golf  and a can of Chinese high mountain tea 
宿舍有一電視間 燙衣架 沒用上的bar 等等

能用SILICON作出光電產品 這是技術上大突破
東莞的發展部門月刊 pdf
這應該是simon university行得通的東西
三點四十分 cooler assembly line B已有數據 不過竟有YIELD 只89% 5分鐘之後改成98%  問不良品 填的人都不知道 TEST處 夾具DFM和WORKBENCH設計不理想 REPAIR用刀括和不良區沒說明 STAMPING和拔FIXTURE可以合併
首件盒和BOM盒不一致 放在維修的製品與樣品混亂

"It takes a profound passion that what you're doing is important," he added. "If anybody has that, they can do the job."

晚餐Jarry決定不上課 所以我們一起送兩位財務audit小姐回去鎮政府和公園隔壁的賓館去 沿主街的建築物相當地可觀 鋪路也如此 撞球台和排檔在室外 多幾家燈光為粉紅色的場所 旅館
漢堡小子中那團年青人的極度浪費的,恣意揮霍的(profligate  Young Chinese have become profligate. And they like their brands) Allen轉述中國商銀中某職員月薪五百 他老爸買輛奔馳車 雇一位月薪千五的司機
我買人民文學出版社的語文新課標必讀叢書 狄更斯《匹克威克外傳》近七十萬言 定價約三十五元 一刷四萬本

回來黃博談數據中有兩異常值如何處理 我解釋物理或實質意義的重要 與我們的目的最為重要 這種所謂outliners就是管制圖說所說的可說明或非機率原因(assignable causes) 所以我們該了解它的分配為bimodal嗎 是因為供貨的原因嗎
與Allen談點Design for manufactuability在cooler的測試站的意義 儀器設備的設計 屬於人-機系統(man-machine ) 所以易製性相當重要 因此要善於 planning和continual improvement 所以先製一台試試 再改進

周五早餐黃博問生產報表的追查 我舉昨天cooler最後站的做法 填表者不知其意義 所以無從改進起

午後 現場人員等 daily management 晚上七點繼續 兩位老總 賴和Jerry參加 lai解說traceability等都很得體
會後Lai介紹TaiSol發展史和所謂的危機集團總裁的種種固執 處罰 無法接受
近午夜才到office協助Gary將報告整理好 還有一人在加班趕報表

pedantic   [Show phonetics]
giving too much attention to formal rules or small details:
They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement.

n. ( 名詞 noun ) 

1. 【動物】 【動】 田鼠,〔NF9B9〕

2. 【事】 【紙牌】 大滿貫

drawl   [Show phonetics]
noun [S]
a slow way of speaking in which the vowel sounds are lengthened and words are not separated clearly:
a southern/Texan/mid-Atlantic drawlFour and a half hours later, the plane landed, and the pilot, having heard of complaints in the cabin, genially offered to engage in further dialogue about the Lord. The airline is investigating, noting that Mr. Findiesen had recently visited a Christian mission and wanted to "share his emotions." Yes, but find the man a ground-based pulpit. When Mr. Wolfe described pilotspeak as "the drawl of the most righteous possessors of the right stuff," this wasn't what he had in mind.
