Douglass North 95, 1993 Nobel Prize Laureate and Professor Emeritus, died on Monday, November 23rd after an illness of several weeks. Douglass joined the Department of Economics in 1983.
2015年12月31日 星期四
談blog 司馬大學校Simon University
這回的司馬大學(Simon University*)校友會,也許是「第六屆(界)」:空前盛舉,創新不斷;高潮疊起….臨別依依。 (*這是hc為紀念他的紙上師長,一代奇才Herbert A. Si…
依我所知,西方只有加拿大有Simon Fraser University,並無"Simon Univerity”。
而且,Simon 的讀法是"賽門”而非司馬。僅供參考。
那BLOG 是紀念Herbert A. Simon,他老人家是我的忘年交,中國的科技顧問,會點中文,晚年有十年暑假常去北京。 他自取的中文名叫司馬賀。
2015年12月8日 星期二
Will computers ever solve chess?
Computers are not just beating humans at their favourite games; they are solving games entirely. Draughts has fallen. Will chess be next?
Tom Whipple talks to the computer scientists who are having a go
2015年11月24日 星期二
2006年筆記:Simon, W. Edwards Deming 博士紀念交流會
<< 作成日時 : 2005/11/02 22:07 >>
トラックバック 0 / コメント 0
本書喜歡用「可一不可再」來對照one of a kind,常常令讀者相當奇怪。這兒中文版應指明第二章的第102頁,方便讀者。
請加減;感謝何先生feedback 我約他晚餐來:
2006年W. Edwards Deming 博士紀念交流會
地點:華人戴明博士研習中心《新北投新民路一巷5號6樓(過新民國中在新民路25號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內):開車很方便 附近新民國中巷有許多停車位》。
議程:1030-1100 見面認識
1230-1330- 午餐
1330-1430 改善與裝配設計(徐歷昌)
1440-1510 台灣尋智圈(何哲文:"新生代*看戴明理論與應用";上課中,文本納入討論)
1520-1540 {戴明思想在學校}(陳長仁、鍾漢清)
1540-1600 談螺絲業的品管(郭展銓)
1600-1630 其他主題和討論
報名 02-23650127
* 新生代:我(hc)知道,這 "Ctrl+c"和Ctrl+v"的說法,是從何先生處學來的。
rub off phrasal verb INFORMAL
If a quality or characteristic that someone has rubs off, other people begin to have it because they have been with that person and learnt it from them: His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
rub off こすり落とす[される]; 影響を及ぼす, 一部になる ((on, onto)).
I have never been an afcionado of formal mathematical general equilibrium theory, which is so pure and general as to be virtually devoid of interesting operational conclusion. Moreover, I have come to think that its elegance gives many economic theorists today an exaggerated presumptive faith that free competitive markets work for the best.
但個人從不是所謂數學化的一般均衡理論「迷」, 因為它的純理論性和一般性,喪失了操作性結論中有趣的一面。再者我認為,由於數學的一般均衡模式精緻完美,也導致今天許多經濟理論家過度相信自由競爭市場是最好的運作模式。 頁162
模式?work for the best
( Herbert Simon was the pioneer who attempted to persuade social scientists to examine the actor's subjective perception of the real world. Simon maintained that if both the knowledge and computational power of the decisionmaker are severely limited then we must distinguish the real world from the actor's perception if we are going to understand the choices that he/she makes. Moreover we must theorize about the reasoning that generated the actor's subjective representation. However Simon's emphasis was on bounded rationality--the limits on computational power of the decisionmaker, whereas my concern with ideologies focused more on the information available to the actor and the imperfect feedback that the actor received as a result of the choices he/she made.
{諾貝爾之路:十三位經濟獎得主的故事}: Lives of the Laureates : Thirteen Nobel Economists,
譯者, 黃進發. 台北:天下文化,1998,作者, 伯烈特 , 史賓斯. 編者, 黃孝如.
William Breit著;Roger W. ...
NOVEMBER 24, 2015
Douglass North
諾貝爾之路(Lives of the Laureates)。。(要了解諾貝爾獎得主發展理論的 心路歷程,只讀『美麗境界』是不夠的)「」
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." — Walt Disney
或 華人戴明博士研習中心《新北投新民路一巷5號6樓(過新民國中在新民路25號後左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內)》。捷運新北投站下車,步行約十分鐘可到達。
The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology. New York : Knopf, 1971.
方有恆 君
新聞英文教學手冊(物品150037864139 結束時間2006.10.03 21 ...作者:, 方有恆. 出版社:聯經出版公司. 出版日期:1991 年
送書香到南投方有恆君. 台北市家興街323
━━ a. 〔大げさに〕 金銭(上)の; 〔大げさに〕 罰金に相当する.
pecuniary benefit 金銭的利得.日本NHK報導:
Coin-Laundry 等待時間的有效利用事例報導:旁邊有咖啡店/餐廳/寵物洗滌服務….有的洗衣店可上網預約/採信用卡收款/結束前5分鐘,可通知逛街中的你之手機…….
Honda 公司開發巴西用bio-ethanol 汽車/(該公司在日英多設工場。)_ JAL一體化—即國際和國內兩公司合併。.. 紅皮蘿蔔
3 C到 6C?
adjective [after verb] FORMAL
careless and not doing a duty well enough:
You have been remiss in your duties.
[+ to infinitive] It was remiss of me to forget to give you the message.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ a. 何の制限[束縛]もない, どんな手を使っても構わない.
no holds barred
Without any restrictions, as in Telephone companies are entering the market for Internet users with no holds barred. This expression comes from wrestling, where certain holds are illegal, or barred, and has been used figuratively since about 1940.
Open and unrestrained: "These paintings and charcoal drawings . . . are slightly tame compared with the no-holds-barred forcefulness of his self-generated vision" (Christopher Andreae).
They were no-holds-barred meetings in which the speakers frequently got mauled. (D. C. North)
spade·work n. 也可以寫成spade work
Work requiring a spade.
Preparatory work necessary for a project or an activity.
I went to the east coast and did the spade work.
noun [U] UK
hard, sometimes boring work done in preparation for something:
Now that the spadework's all been done, we can start to write the report itself.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ n. 主要産物[商品]; 主成分[項目]; 必需品; 原料; (綿・羊毛などの)繊維.
━━ a. 主要な; 大量生産の.
━━ vt. (羊毛を)分類する.
staple fiber 人絹(糸), スフ.
staple foods 主食.
sta・pler2 ━━ n. 主要物産商; 羊毛商.
sta·ple1 (stā'pəl)
A principal raw material or commodity grown or produced in a region.
A major item of trade in steady demand.
A basic dietary item, such as flour, rice, or corn.
A basic or principal element or feature.
The fiber of cotton, wool, or flax, graded as to length and fineness.
Produced or stocked in large quantities to meet steady demand: Wheat is a staple crop.
Principal; main: a staple topic of conversation.
That work eventually led me to do developing a staple theory of economic growth.
蓋布瑞斯 (Galbraith, J. K.)
Galbraith, John Kenneth
書名 經濟學與公共目的
出版項 台北市 : 聯經出版公司, 民65
蓋伯夫 (Galbraith, J. K.)
書名 大眾經濟常識答問
出版項 台北市 : 時報文化公司, 民68
The triumph : a novel of modern diplomacy. : The triumph : a novel of modern diplomacy. / John Kenneth Galbraith
另眼看經濟:看大師與鉅著如何扭轉人類歷史 高伯瑞/著 300元另眼看經濟:看大師與鉅著如何扭轉人類歷史
Economics in Perspective
作者:高伯瑞/著。譯者:徐峰志、出版社:智庫、出版日期:1997 年 04 月 15 日
穿梭經濟時光A Journey through Economics Time: a firsthand view :看資本主義經濟如何統一全人類生活 高伯瑞著 280元穿梭經濟時光:看資本主義經濟如何統一全人類生活
新工業國The New Industrial State :企業經營者如何左右經濟與政治大局(第四版) 高伯瑞/著 340元新工業國:企業經營者如何左右經濟與政治大局(第四版)
Galbraith, John Kenneth 1908-
書名/作者 新工業國家 / 格耳布雷(John Kenneth Galbraith,1908- )撰; 何欣譯 Hsin kung yeh kuo chia
出版項 台北市 : 國立編譯館出版 : 開明印行, 民61[1972]
高伯瑞 格耳布雷 (Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908- ) ; 董更生譯
出版項 臺北市 : 智庫文化, 1997[民86]
親愛的總統先生 : 向當政者建言 : 經濟學大師致甘迺迪密函 / 約翰.肯尼斯.高伯瑞(J. K. Galbraith)著; 詹姆斯.古德曼(James Goodman)編; 李振昌譯
出版項 台北縣新店市 : 立緖文化, 民92[2003] 格耳布雷 (Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908- )
Galbraith, John Kenneth 1908-
神秘的货币 / [美]约翰.肯尼思.加尔布雷思著; 苏世军, 周宇译
出版項 郑州市 : 河南人民, 2002
Annals of an abiding LIBERAL
━━ a. 永続的な.
━━ 年代記; 年譜; 記録; (学会などの)年報, 紀要.
━━ a. 気前のよい; 豊富な; 自由な; 寛大な; 自由主義の; 一般教養科目の.
━━ n. 自由主義者; 進歩的な人; (L-) (英国などの)自由党員.
Psychology. A person's association with or assumption of the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group.
Davis' work is "an exploration of suburban psychology, specifically the commodities and privileges of suburbia and how these elements are often substituted for, but do not equate to, fulfillment or sense of self." Davis conveys this feeling through comics and images which he has whited out and manipulated to adjust their original meanings.
「悪意なき欺瞞(誰も語らなかった経済の真相)」ジョン・K・ガルブレイス著、佐和隆光訳(ダイヤモンド社)は、20世紀を代表する経済学者の一人であり、J.F.ケネディ政権でのインド大使、アメリカ芸術文学アカデミー会長、アメリカ経済学会会長等を歴任された、ハーバード大学名誉教授のJ.K.ガルブレイス先生 (1908年 カナダ生まれ)が 過去70年あまりの仕事を振り返って その到達した境地と見解を 2004年に書き残された小冊子だ。 これまで日本でもベストセラーとなった「ゆたかな社会」「経済学と公共目的」「新しい産業国家」「不確実性の時代」「経済学の歴史」「バブルの物語」等の本と比べれば 薄っぺらい小さな本だが、内容は含蓄と示唆に富んでおり、じっくり読んでいると当時の色 々 な事件も連想される。々 な事件も連想される。
本書喜歡用「可一不可再」來對照one of a kind,常常令讀者相當奇怪。這兒中文版應指明第二章的第102頁,方便讀者。
請加減;感謝何先生feedback 我約他晚餐來:
2006年W. Edwards Deming 博士紀念交流會
地點:華人戴明博士研習中心《新北投新民路一巷5號6樓(過新民國中在新民路25號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內):開車很方便 附近新民國中巷有許多停車位》。
議程:1030-1100 見面認識
1230-1330- 午餐
1330-1430 改善與裝配設計(徐歷昌)
1440-1510 台灣尋智圈(何哲文:"新生代*看戴明理論與應用";上課中,文本納入討論)
1520-1540 {戴明思想在學校}(陳長仁、鍾漢清)
1540-1600 談螺絲業的品管(郭展銓)
1600-1630 其他主題和討論
報名 02-23650127
* 新生代:我(hc)知道這 "Ctrl+c"和Ctrl+v"的說法,是從何先生處學來的。
I have never been an afcionado of formal mathematical general equilibrium theory, which is so pure and general as to be virtually devoid of interesting operational conclusion. Moreover, I have come to think that its elegance gives many economic theorists today an exaggerated presumptive faith that free competitive markets work for the best.
但個人從不是所謂數學化的一般均衡理論「迷」, 因為它的純理論性和一般性,喪失了操作性結論中有趣的一面。再者我認為,由於數學的一般均衡模式精緻完美,也導致今天許多經濟理論家過度相信自由競爭市場是最好的運作模式。 頁162
( Herbert Simon was the pioneer who attempted to persuade social scientists to examine the actor's subjective perception of the real world. Simon maintained that if both the knowledge and computational power of the decisionmaker are severely limited then we must distinguish the real world from the actor's perception if we are going to understand the choices that he/she makes. Moreover we must theorize about the reasoning that generated the actor's subjective representation. However Simon's emphasis was on bounded rationality--the limits on computational power of the decisionmaker, whereas my concern with ideologies focused more on the information available to the actor and the imperfect feedback that the actor received as a result of the choices he/she made.
2015年10月19日 星期一
Professor Dr Robot QC
IN 1933, as the Depression ground on, two British sociologists, Alexander Carr-Saunders and Paul Wilson, wrote a book celebrating the professions. They describe them...
Various bits of software can outperform legal experts in predicting the outcome of court decisions. Can the rise of machines replace lawyers?
Queen's counsel (king's counsel).
n. (Abbr. QC)
A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a woman.
These were barristers appointed in the late 16th cent. to assist the law officers of the crown in the conduct of legal affairs. During the 18th cent. they ceased to be closely connected with the crown and the title came to be merely a mark of honour for distinguished barristers. They are said to ‘take silk’ on appointment, as they then wear a silk gown instead of a ‘stuff’ gown.
2015年9月18日 星期五
Computers are getting as good as doctors at spotting medical conditions
The California HealthCare Foundation challenged coders to write an algorithm that can look at photos of diabetics’ retinas and spot the subtle signs of diabetes-related damage. Doctors agree on these diagnoses 84% of the time. But now a university statistician has written an algorithm that agrees with a doctor 85% of the time.
ARTIFICIAL intelligence (AI) can sometimes be put to rather whimsical...
2015年8月23日 星期日
這所大學,CMU (聽說Google公司為求才,在校外成立約200人的辦公室),我沒去過,雖然我東海同學嚴匡漢及其子都是該校校友。我與大學者Herbert A. Simon 的一些通信存在該校圖書館,影片有他跟其摯友的合照。李開復也在其中。類似的片子和做法,實在很值得各校觀摩。

1,564 次觀看
Carnegie Mellon University 上傳了一個新的影片。
Welcome to campus, Class of 2019! Among you could be Broadway's biggest stars, Nobel Prize winners, political leaders and more. Good luck, and we can't wait to add you to this list!
2015年8月19日 星期三
Pittsburgh redevelopment
Simon的著作如人工科學等,多提過該市的區域再生。這 Pittsburgh redevelopment規劃案,應該是持續的工程。
UDream offers students hands-on experience in urban design. One student's experience led to a successful bid on a Pittsburgh redevelopment plan.
Ashley Cox (A 2017) wanted to bring her dreams into focus. After...
文章 (Atom)