2020年3月26日 星期四

Theoria, Economics As A Historical Science(1998, Theoria, Vol 13/2


司馬賀(Herbert A Simon)約八年前1999 贈其論文:

Economics As A Historical Science(1998, Theoria, Vol 13/2, pp.241-260)


I was a little confused with Theoria because what my impression is it is a Swedish one and quarterly. Anyway, please advise the Greek message in its cover.
Literally, it reads: "The gods do arithmetic," which I think means,
"The gods are mathematicians." 照字面為「神明們作數學」;我以為它的意思是「神明們為數學家。」
Theoria (Greek θεωρία) is Greek for contemplation or perception of beauty as a moral faculty (OED).
Ruskin說在欣賞藝術時有兩種經驗:一個叫做Aesthesis 就是美感,即吾人對於愉快之本能的感受,一個叫做 Theoria ,就是對藝術的崇高的虔誠的認識。」(梁實秋『文學的美』)