2019年8月30日 星期五

James G. March (1928-2018)

去年就知道Jim 過世 (Herbert Simon 如此稱呼他。90年代末有組織動力學月刊*專題向他致敬,我誤讀為他過世,就寫篇簡短悼文。根Herb通信,他笑說, Jim好好的,活蹦蹦的,我昨天才跟他一起......
今天覺得應該重拾March 教授的著作......

Organization Science. VoL. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1991
這是1989年5月在CMU的 "Organization Learning"之會議文集

Research Article

Research Article

About Authors

Free Access
About Authors
Published Online:February 1, 1991

“Success” by James G. March
No one needs him
after he’s gone.
No one who stays
depends on him,
if he has done it right;
No one asks
why flowers grow,
or how a summer ends,
or notices long
that he has gone, quietly
into the dark.
看/聽他講大學商學院 (改革個體經濟學及組織/行為心理學)及史坦佛大學商學院:

A revered yet humble teacher whose research profoundly impacted many disciplines, he found exquisite beauty in both math and poetry.

James G. March - Wikipedia

  • James G. March and Herbert A. Simon, Organizations. New York: Wiley, 1958. 2nd ed., Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1993. Translated into Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Voted the seventh most influential management book of the 20th century in a poll of the Fellows of the Academy of Management.[18]
Herbert Simon 跟我通信時,提到這第2版,當時--約1998--沒認真去找第二版

  • James G. March and Johan P. Olsen, Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Bergen, Norway: Universitetsforlaget, 1976. Translated into Japanese. (1980) ISBN 82-00-01960-8

  • James G. March, Decisions and Organizations. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988. ISBN 0-631-16856-7. Translated into French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
  • James G. March, A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1994. Translated into Chinese, Greek, and Italian. ISBN 0-02-920035-0

  • James G. March, Martin Schulz, and Xueguang Zhou, The Dynamics of Rules: Change in Written Organizational Codes. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-8047-3996-X. Translated into Chinese and Italian.


  • James G. March and Thierry Weil, On Leadership. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2005. ISBN 1-4051-3247-7. Translated into Spanish, Korean, Italian, Chinese.
  • James G. March, Explorations in Organizations. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008.

In The Ambiguities of ExperienceJames GMarch asks a deceptively simple question: What is, or should be, the role of experience in creating intelligence, particularly in organizations? Folk wisdom both trumpets the significance of experience and warns of its inadequacies.


James G. March, Professor of Business, Education, and Humanities, Dies at 90

A revered yet humble teacher whose research profoundly impacted many disciplines, he found exquisite beauty in both math and poetry.
October 29, 2018


2018/10/05 - Professor James G. March passed away on September 27, 2018. ... In memory of James G. March (1928-2018) ... Jim contributed three “classics” that have inspired new generations ever since: James G. March and Herbert A. SimonOrganizations (1958), ... are confronted with observations of multiple, con


有意思的是,Models of a Man Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon 一書的兩位編者,都出自
 Stanford University 的教師。

  • Mie Augier and James G. March, eds., Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.
書末, James G. March 的詩

Models of a Man

Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon Edited by Mie Augier and James G. March


Herbert Simon (1916-2001), in the course of a long and distinguished career in the social and behavioral sciences, made lasting contributions to many disciplines, including economics, psychology, computer science, and artificial intelligence. In 1978 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for his research into the decision-making process within economic organizations. His well-known book The Sciences of the Artificial addresses the implications of the decision-making and problem-solving processes for the social sciences.
This book (the title is a variation on the title of Simon's autobiography, Models of My Life) is a collection of short essays, all original, by colleagues from many fields who felt Simon's influence and mourn his loss. Mixing reminiscence and analysis, the book represents "a small acknowledgment of a large debt."
Each of the more than forty contributors was asked to write about the one work by Simon that he or she had found most influential. The editors then grouped the essays into four sections: "Modeling Man," "Organizations and Administration," "Modeling Systems," and "Minds and Machines." The contributors include such prominent figures as Kenneth Arrow, William Baumol, William Cooper, Gerd Gigerenzer, Daniel Kahneman, David Klahr, Franco Modigliani, Paul Samuelson, and Vernon Smith. Although they consider topics as disparate as "Is Bounded Rationality Unboundedly Rational?" and "Personal Recollections from 15 Years of Monthly Meetings," each essay is a testament to the legacy of Herbert Simon—to see the unity rather than the divergences among disciplines.

About the Editors

Mie Augier is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University.
James G. March is a Professor Emeritus at Stanford University.


作者:Mie Augier, Herbert Alexander Simon, James G. March