2009年4月8日 星期三

我的 Herbert Simon 2007

我的 Herbert Simon 2007


今天或許用這當標題:Herbert Simon與needle in a haystack;Google 與資訊大海撈針

這一定義多少反映出WordNet 是 Simon的朋友或同路人:
The noun Herbert A. Simon has one meaning:
Meaning #1: United States economist and psychologist who pioneered in the development of cognitive science (1916-2001)
Synonyms: Simon, Herb Simon, Herbert Aleddxander Simon

Simon's contributions to research in the area of decision-making have become increasingly mainstream in the business community thanks to the growth of management consulting. Simon's decision-making steps of Intelligence, Design, Choice, and Review are the basis of the work of Inferential Focus.

While living in Pittsburgh, PA, he advised the citizenry on various issues including the use of public funds to build stadiums and the method of raising tax revenue. Simon emphasized the usefulness of the land tax, reflecting the early influence of Henry George on his economic thought.

needle in a haystack 的說法是至少有500年以上說法:
An item that is very hard or impossible to locate, as in Looking for that screw in Dean's workshop amounts to looking for a needle in a haystack. Originating in the early 1500s, with meadow instead of haystack, this metaphor exists in many other languages as well.

"needle in a haystack "是 Simon這一生重要的相關語:


Google is the homework helper, navigator and yellow pages for half a billion users, able to find the most improbable needles in the world's largest haystack of information in just the blink of an eye.

「我一向重視重要的品質事件報導,不過,從沒有很有系統、很全面地想窺全球品質大事、大勢之全貌。這幾個月與會友的談話,卻興起值得一試之念頭。就學術論文方面之大事、大勢,我知道有專業的「摘要期刊」。不過,如果是「實務界」的呢,它們猶如要去萬國的 3萬 6000行業之大海之海底中去撈要求的針(英文稱為 trying to find a needle in a haystack)。

話又說回來,我近 50年前的小學老師就教我說:「秀才不出門,能知天下事。」我想,當老師的,可以隨口這樣說,我們在實務界要求的「精密度」,或許比「理論家」強千百倍,所以就算有 Google和網路可驅使,如果想要求「第一手的、詳細的資訊」,還是很困難的。

經過許多 trial and error(試行錯誤),我想, 2007年度的「全球品質大事、大勢報告」,會更合理想,因為已採取「自覺的研究調查」方法。現在,這 2006年的「全球品質大事、大勢」,由於準備不及,只好採取二手【圖書館】的鳥瞰方式。」
