2023年3月26日 星期日

Models of a Man, Tawney and others. bifurcation of the labyrinth. expertise. Life as " a continual amazement; a continual bifurcation of the labyrinth." (Herbert A. Simon). a Labyrinth Vacation.

bifurcation of the labyrinth. expertise. Life as " a continual amazement; a continual bifurcation of the labyrinth." (Herbert A. Simon). a Labyrinth Vacation.


Models of a man: essays in memory of Herbert A. Simon - Google 圖書結果

Mie Augier, James G. March - 2004 - Biography & Autobiography - 553 頁 His well-known book The Sciences of the Artificial addresses the implications of the decision-making and problem-solving processes for the social sciences.This ... books.google.com/books?isbn=0262012081...
2009/4/5「2月9日Simon, Herbert (Alexander) 謝世(1916-2001)。痛心、之後5年未能正式出版其著作翻譯本,慚愧。」 這樣講也不全對,我的月刊在2001年6月出版過專集。之後我每年會上網更新相關的資源,不料去年磁碟機毀損,今年忙其他事。 「我今天去台大圖書館,才知道Herbert A. Simon過世(2001)之後,the MIT Press 出一本 Models of a Man -- 朋友紀念他的。書可能都在經濟系的老師手中。」 我到書店目錄一看,簡直是舉世諸領域名人的作品。我當時實在應該試筆,寫一位透過閱讀與通信而知道皮毛的SIMON.

Models of a man: essays in memory of Herbert A. Simon - Google 圖書結果

Mie Augier, James G. March - 2004 - Biography & Autobiography - 553 頁 His well-known book The Sciences of the Artificial addresses the implications of the decision-making and problem-solving processes for the social sciences.This ... books.google.com/books?isbn=0262012081...
Models of a Man Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon Edited by Mie Augier and James G. March Table of Contents and Sample Chapters Herbert Simon (1916-2001), in the course of a long and distinguished career in the social and behavioral sciences, made lasting contributions to many disciplines, including economics, psychology, computer science, and artificial intelligence. In 1978 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for his research into the decision-making process within economic organizations. His well-known book The Sciences of the Artificial addresses the implications of the decision-making and problem-solving processes for the social sciences. This book (the title is a variation on the title of Simon's autobiography, Models of My Life) is a collection of short essays, all original, by colleagues from many fields who felt Simon's influence and mourn his loss. Mixing reminiscence and analysis, the book represents "a small acknowledgment of a large debt." Each of the more than forty contributors was asked to write about the one work by Simon that he or she had found most influential. The editors then grouped the essays into four sections: "Modeling Man," "Organizations and Administration," "Modeling Systems," and "Minds and Machines." The contributors include such prominent figures as Kenneth Arrow, William Baumol, William Cooper, Gerd Gigerenzer, Daniel Kahneman, David Klahr, Franco Modigliani, Paul Samuelson, and Vernon Smith. Although they consider topics as disparate as "Is Bounded Rationality Unboundedly Rational?" and "Personal Recollections from 15 Years of Monthly Meetings," each essay is a testament to the legacy of Herbert Simon -- to see the unity rather than the divergences among disciplines. Mie Augier is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. James G. March is a Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon Edited by Mie Augier and James G. March Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv Prologues Herbert A. Simon, Scientist Mie Augier and James G. March 3 He's Just My Dad! Katherine Simon Frank Sample Chapter - Download PDF (49 KB) 33 I Modeling Man Is Bounded Rationality Unboundedly Rational? Some Ruminations Kenneth J. Arrow 47 On Rational Satisficing William J. Baumol 57 Memorial to Herbert A. Simon William W. Cooper 67 Consilience, Economic Theory, and the Legacy of Herbert A. Simon Richard H. Day 75 Interdisciplinary Reasoning and Herbert Simon's Influence Yuji Ijiri 93 Beliefs and Tastes: Confessions of an Economist David M. Kreps 113 The Best Is the Enemy of the Good Roy Radner 143 The Hawkins and Simon Story Revisited Paul A. Samuelson 153 Herbert A. Simon Opened My Eyes Reinhard Selten 163 Monetary Rewards and Decision Cost in Strategic Interactions Vernon L. Smith and Ferenc Szidarovszky 169 II Organizations and Administration A Focus on Processes: Part of Herbert Simon's Legacy Philip Bromiley 183 Herbert Simon as Friend to Economists Out of Fashion John Conlisk 191 Herbert A. Simon and the Education of Managers William R. Dill 197 A Very Reasonable Objective Still Beyond Our Reach: Economics as an Empirically Disciplined Social Science Giovanni Dosi 211 Lessons I Learned from Herbert A. Simon and His Friends: A Reflection on My Years at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration Julian Feldman 227 Heuristics of Public Administration Robert E. Goodin 233 "Warmly Yours, Herb" Harold Guetzkow 251 Economics after Simon Brian J. Loasby 259 Herbert Simon and Organization Theory: Lessons for the Theory of the Firm Oliver E. Williamson 279 The "Easy Problem" Problem Sidney G. Winter 297 III Modeling Systems Causality, Decomposition, and Aggregation in Social Science Models Albert Ando 307 Bounded Rationality and Decomposability: The Basis for Integrating Cognitive and Evolutionary Economics Peter E. Earl and Jason Potts 317 Near-Decomposability, Organization, and Evolution: Some Notes on Herbert Simon's Contribution Massimo Egidi and Luigi Marengo 335 Herbert Simon Axel Leijonhufvud 351 Rational Forecasting, Learning, and Decision Making Charles C. Holt 355 Herbert Simon: Intellectual Magnet Michael C. Lovell 365 Herbert Simon: Some Cherished Memories Franco Modigliani 373 Herbert Simon and Production Scheduling John F. Muth 377 IV Minds and Machines "On a Different Plane" Edward A. Feigenbaum 383 Striking a Blow for Sanity in Theories of Rationality Gerd Gigerenzer 389 Attribute Substitution in Intuitive Judgment Daniel Kahneman and Shane Frederick 411 Encounters with the Force of Herbert A. Simon David Klahr 433 Strong Ideas Kenneth Kotovsky 451 Heuristics for Scientific Discovery: The Legacy of Herbert Simon Pat Langley 461 Herb Simon: A Recollection Pamela McCorduck 473 Letter to Herb Simon George A. Miller 481 Herbert Simon, David Hume, and the Science of Man: Some Philosophical Implications of Models Joseph C. Pitt 483 Markets as Artifacts: Aggregate Efficiency from Zero-Intelligence Traders Shyam Sunder 501 Personal Recollections from 15 Years of Monthly Meetings Raul E. Valdes-Perez 521 Epilogue A Soft Goodbye James G. March 533 About the Contributors 537 Name Index 請教司馬賀管理教育   讀者當知,司馬賀(H. A. Simon)為一了不起的教育家。他在40年代創設(主持)的卡內基理工工商學院,是世界頂尖的,也出了一些諾貝爾經濟學獎得主;這在《管理行為》中,有個案:「一所商學院的設計」。   我在1999年2月寫信向他討教管理學如何教?因為根據西方名校傳統,入門課要由資深的教授教,才會有融會貫通的樂趣。我以前在東海大學化學系四年級(1990)實驗一年,所得的結論是:「管理學無法教,因為智慧無法傳授。」上學期在中原試一學期「近代管理學趨勢」,期終改論文作業時,才知自己教的不好,學生因而所學甚淺。我感到很深的挫折,就向司馬賀大師請教,如果他是我,會如何啟發後輩學者。   他在3月5日('99)給我一封信,其中有關管理學教育的一段,翻譯出來給大家參考:   「如何教管理學(Administration)是個難題。目前美國大多數商學院所選出來的MBA(企管碩士)大多至少有兩、三年商業實務經驗,這樣教起來就極不一樣了。要是學生沒有這種經驗背景,我總是試著要求學生把所就學的的大學看成一個組織,以組織學的話來看待大學中的事情,從而能把大學當作實驗室的代替品。這並不改變你的論點(按:其實這是司馬賀在自傳《我生活的種種模式》中的看法):許多管理學上的原理(principles) 很簡單而又明白清楚;難在如何根據所信的原理養成力行的習慣。然而,我們不該從中得出結論說,:習慣是不可改的。(按《管理行為》中有專節討論組織的習慣與創新。)」 (我按照他的建議,希望學生研究中原大學,這可把他們難倒了,……我記得當時談很多電腦化註冊和選課系統…..)   我又與他談大中國區的大學教育之「質」(例如世界上真正的科學實証教育,並未在教育中生根立足,所以怪力亂神現象特別嚴重。)和「量」(台灣的高教並不符合人民的期望,而大陸的高教投資,遠低於發展之所需。台灣的所謂「追求卓越」,大筆的散財於高教,小學等基本教育和設備之質與量堪虞…)   我是有心辦網路上的自由SIMON大學。他以為大學量已經太多,當前提以及未來數世代)中,最重要的是如何利用現代化的傳播科技,把世界上的一流大學(Strong universities)之資源與社區連用、分享。   我希望能編本《司馬賀談教育》;這以後有機會再談。   近來讀張漢裕教授所譯的R. H. Tawney《中國的土地與勞力》(1995,協志工業叢書;原書1929年出版),其中有許多話很重要:   「...國家所需要的是受過教育的人,不是沒受過教育的畢業生,…再不可為了大量生產而犧牲內容。應該側重教學生自己思考──這是比較費力的事...」(中譯本,pp. 206 -207)   Tawney真是名家,他對竹爭中國現代化的整體建議是引《浮士德》中的一句詩為喻:『設非自己心靈出,何得精神助你與。』意思是:若非從你自己心中湧出,你不能得到什麼使你心靈更爽健。(p. 209)
