英國《金融時報》 林賽•維博羅賓•哈丁報導
讓•梯若爾(Jean Tirole)成為今年第二位獲得諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)的法國人,他以對限制寡頭壟斷的研究獲得了諾貝爾經濟學獎。
對於他榮獲“紀念阿爾弗雷德•諾貝爾瑞典銀行經濟學獎”(Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)的工作,我們希望通過以下五個問題做個闡明。
對寡頭壟斷監管的一個巨大問題是缺乏企業成本和定價的完整信息。上世紀80年代,梯若爾與他的合作者、已故的讓-雅克•拉豐(Jean-Jacques Laffont)提出了一種新的創意,用複雜的、與產業相關的激勵式合同監管寡頭壟斷。
梯若爾對特定產業內競爭的細緻入微的分析,引發了人們對監管行為同樣深入的反思。比如,監管機構經常會限制所謂“掠奪性定價(predatory pricing)”,即企業通過臨時性大幅壓價措施將競爭對手擠垮的行為。然而,梯若爾對報紙等產業的研究卻發現了一種無法適用這種監管方式的現象。在這類產業中,報紙的免費流通會吸引大量讀者,從而提高廣告收入。他還曾與讓-夏爾•羅歇(Jean-Charles Rochet)合作,對一類“平台市場”開展過研究。在這種“平台市場”中,“分屬不同交易方的參與者會在同一技術平台下建立十分密切的聯繫”。對於報紙這種平台市場來說,這裡的參與者是指讀者和廣告商。不過,軟件業和互聯網產業中也會以十分類似的方式開展競爭。
在梯若爾的長串出版清單中,還有大量其他真知灼見。為此,評獎委員會還引用了在生產鏈這一特定領域中,圍繞單極壟斷所產生的問題。在與帕特里克•雷伊(Patrick Rey)及奧利弗•哈特(Oliver Hart)合作的過程中,梯若爾得出了這樣一個結論:產業鏈中某一環節的壟斷現像也會對其他環節產生連鎖反應。產生這個現象的原因,是單極壟斷者能強行決定其產品或服務的供應量及供貨對象。
目前,谷歌正因在互聯網搜索中的統治地位及相關行為受到歐盟(EU)監管機構的調查。此外,法國反壟斷當局仍在對幾家涉嫌大面積違規的快遞公司繼續開展調查,其中包括了最近宣稱已達成和解的英國皇家郵政(Royal Mail)和TNT。
對於政府和監管機構在全球金融危機和歐元區危機中扮演的角色,梯若爾的表態則十分強硬。 2012年,在接受法國《迴聲報》(Les Echo)採訪時,梯若爾曾表示,兩次危機均“源自”監管上的疏忽。其中,全球金融危機是源自審慎監管的缺失,而歐元區危機則是源自危機積累期間政府監管方面的疏忽。
2014年10月19日 星期日
2014年10月13日 星期一
The Shift and the Shocks 書評 (Joseph Stiglitz)
馬丁•沃爾夫(Martin Wolf)超越了他自己。這位英國《金融時報》首席經濟評論員的著作,不僅闡明瞭我們自2008年以來一直深陷經濟“亞健康”狀態,還以令人信服的分析指出我們為何有可能將這種狀態保持下去——這一點令人十分擔憂。這次危機早已催生了無數審視問題出在哪裡的著述。而《轉折與沖擊》(The Shift and the Shocks)則是率先分析為何沒有出現強勁復蘇的著作之一,它為必然出現的後繼者樹立了一個極高的標桿。
要說我對沃爾夫的分析有何不認同之處,那就是他沒有盡其所能地將論述更深入推進。在討論全球不均衡狀況時,他對美聯儲(Fed)前主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)及其他人提出的“儲蓄過剩”假說的批評不夠尖銳。該假說把過去被視為美德的儲蓄看作惡習,從而將譴責導向中國和德國——後者遭遇的譴責聲音要稍小一些。然而,如今全球對投資的需求是驚人的,這包括:發展中國家對基礎設施的需求(更不用說美國了)、全球經濟轉型以應對全球變暖的需求、甚至還包括全球許多地方存在的資金匱乏的中小企業的資金需求。這些都顯而易見地表明,問題不在於儲蓄過度,而在於當前的金融體系過度痴迷於投機,而不是承擔起自己的社會責任——在資金過剩和急需資金的人之間扮演中介角色,將稀缺的儲蓄資金分配到社會回報最高的投資中去。
《轉折與沖擊——我們從金融危機中學到了什麽、還該學什麽?》(The Shifts and the Shocks: What We’ve Learned – and Have Still to Learn – from the Financial Crisis),作者:馬丁•沃爾夫,艾倫萊恩出版社(Allen Lane),建議零售價25英鎊/企鵝出版社(Penguin Press),建議零售價35美元,496頁
約瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)是哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)教授、諾貝爾(Nobel)經濟學獎獲得者
Jean Tirole 讓•梯若爾
當地時間週一(10月13日)中午,瑞典皇家科學院公佈了本年度諾貝爾經濟學獎得主:來自法國的讓·梯若爾教授(Jean Tirole)。評獎委員會稱,讓·梯若爾對市場的力量及其規製作出了卓越的分析研究。
Jean Tirole has published about two hundred professional articles in economics and finance, as well as 10 books including The Theory of Industrial Organization, Game Theory (with Drew Fudenberg), A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with Mathias Dewatripont), Competition in Telecommunications (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System, and The Theory of Corporate Finance. His research covers industrial organization, regulation, game theory, banking and finance, psychology and economics, international finance and macroeconomics.
Dynamic Models of Oligopoly (with D. Fudenberg), 1986. [1]
The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press. (1988) Description and chapter-preview links.
Game Theory (with D. Fudenberg), MIT Press, 1991 [2].
A Theory of Incentives in Regulation and Procurement (with J.-J. Laffont), MIT Press,1993. Description & chapter- preview links.
The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with M. Dewatripont), MIT Press,1994. [3]
Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 1999 [4].
Financial Crises, Liquidity and the International Monetary System, Princeton University Press, 2002 [5].
The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, 2005. Description. Association of American Publishers 2006 Award for Excellence.
Balancing the Banks (with Mahttp://press.princeton.edu/thias Dewatripont, and Jean-Charles Rochet), Princeton University Press, 2010 [6].
Inside and Outside Liquidity (with Bengt Holmström), MIT Press, 2011 [7].
The Nobel prize goes to Jean Tirole
Oct 13th 2014, 12:45 by C.R. | LONDON
法國學者讓•梯若爾(Jean Tirole)難得地獨自一人贏得諾貝爾經濟學獎(Nobel Prize for economics)。他對如何馴服寡頭壟斷的研究,幫助改變了企業監管的方式。
瑞典皇家科學院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)表示,梯若爾是“我們這個時代最有影響力的經濟學家之一”。他最大的貢獻是明晰了“如何理解和監管只有幾家強勢企業的行業”。
梯若爾是知名的圖盧茲經濟學院(Toulouse School of Economics)的創始人之一,他一直被視為諾貝爾經濟學獎的可能得主。將今年的經濟學獎授予他的決定,展現了他在創造一種新的方式來看待競爭方面的深遠影響力。
瑞典央行(Riksbank)為紀念阿爾弗雷德•諾貝爾(Alfred Nobel)而設立諾貝爾經濟學獎。對於評選該獎得主的瑞典皇家科學院來說,今年的選擇標志著它回歸爭議較少的純經濟理論領域。去年,該獎被頒發給羅伯特•席勒(Robert Shiller)、尤金•法瑪(Eugene Fama)和拉爾斯•皮特•漢森(Lars Peter Hansen),以表彰他們在資產定價和有效市場方面有時自相矛盾的研究成果。
“不是一個方面,而是有很多方面,”牛津大學(Oxford university)教授保羅•克倫佩勒(Paul Klemperer)表示。“他改變了人們對於工業組織的思維方式。
突顯他對政策制定者影響力的是,法國前財長、即將出任歐盟委員會經濟和金融事務專員的皮埃爾•莫斯科維奇(Pierre Moscovici)表示,梯若爾的“研究成果指明瞭我們終結危機的途徑”。
The Theory of Industrial Organization is the first primary text to treat the new industrial organization at the advanced-undergraduate and graduate level. Rigorously analytical and filled with exercises coded to indicate level of difficulty, it provides a unified and modern treatment of the field with accessible models that are simplified to highlight robust economic ideas while working at an intuitive level.To aid students at different levels, each chapter is divided into a main text and supplementary section containing more advanced material. Each chapter opens with elementary models and builds on this base to incorporate current research in a coherent synthesis.Tirole begins with a background discussion of the theory of the firm. In part I he develops the modern theory of monopoly, addressing single product and multi product pricing, static and intertemporal price discrimination, quality choice, reputation, and vertical restraints.In part II, Tirole takes up strategic interaction between firms, starting with a novel treatment of the Bertrand-Cournot interdependent pricing problem. He studies how capacity constraints, repeated interaction, product positioning, advertising, and asymmetric information affect competition or tacit collusion. He then develops topics having to do with long term competition, including barriers to entry, contestability, exit, and research and development. He concludes with a "game theory user's manual" and a section of review exercises.
Downloadable instructor resources available for this title: solution manual
About the Author
Jean Tirole is Scientific Director of IDEI (Institut d'Economie Industrielle), Chairman of the Board of TSE (Toulouse School of Economics), and Annual Visiting Professor of Economics at MIT.
"I think that this book will fill a tremendous void in the textbook market for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in industrial organization and applied microeconomics. The strength of Tirole's work is his masterful synthesis of analytical development and intuitive discussion. Consequently, he makes understandable to the reader some very advanced research. This synthesis will prove invaluable to graduate students who are looking for a research niche of their own." John P. Bonin , Professor of Economics, Wesleyan University"—
Jean Tirole has published about two hundred professional articles in economics and finance, as well as 10 books including The Theory of Industrial Organization, Game Theory (with Drew Fudenberg), A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with Mathias Dewatripont), Competition in Telecommunications (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System, and The Theory of Corporate Finance. His research covers industrial organization, regulation, game theory, banking and finance, psychology and economics, international finance and macroeconomics.
Dynamic Models of Oligopoly (with D. Fudenberg), 1986. [1]
The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press. (1988) Description and chapter-preview links.
Game Theory (with D. Fudenberg), MIT Press, 1991 [2].
A Theory of Incentives in Regulation and Procurement (with J.-J. Laffont), MIT Press,1993. Description & chapter- preview links.
The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with M. Dewatripont), MIT Press,1994. [3]
Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 1999 [4].
Financial Crises, Liquidity and the International Monetary System, Princeton University Press, 2002 [5].
The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, 2005. Description. Association of American Publishers 2006 Award for Excellence.
Balancing the Banks (with Mahttp://press.princeton.edu/thias Dewatripont, and Jean-Charles Rochet), Princeton University Press, 2010 [6].
Inside and Outside Liquidity (with Bengt Holmström), MIT Press, 2011 [7].
The Nobel prize goes to Jean Tirole
Oct 13th 2014, 12:45 by C.R. | LONDON

AFTER last year's three-way split, this year's Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel goes to a single receipient, Jean Tirole of Toulouse University in France (pictured). He has been awarded the prize for his microeconomic research investigating how large firms should be regulated in order to prevent consumers being damaged by their monopolistic behaviour.
As the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences notes on its website:
Jean Tirole is one of the most influential economists of our time. He has made important theoretical research contributions in a number of areas, but most of all he has clarified how to understand and regulate industries with a few powerful firms.Many industries are dominated by a small number of large firms or a single monopoly. Left unregulated, such markets often produce socially undesirable results—prices higher than those motivated by costs, or unproductive firms that survive by blocking the entry of new and more productive ones.From the mid-1980s and onwards, Jean Tirole has breathed new life into research on such market failures. His analysis of firms with market power provides a unified theory with a strong bearing on central policy questions: how should the government deal with mergers or cartels, and how should it regulate monopolies?Before Tirole, researchers and policymakers sought general principles for all industries. They advocated simple policy rules, such as capping prices for monopolists and prohibiting cooperation between competitors, while permitting cooperation between firms with different positions in the value chain. Tirole showed theoretically that such rules may work well in certain conditions, but do more harm than good in others. Price caps can provide dominant firms with strong motives to reduce costs—a good thing for society—but may also permit excessive profits—a bad thing for society. Cooperation on price setting within a market is usually harmful, but cooperation regarding patent pools can benefit everyone. The merger of a firm and its supplier may encourage innovation, but may also distort competition.The best regulation or competition policy should therefore be carefully adapted to every industry's specific conditions. In a series of articles and books, Jean Tirole has presented a general framework for designing such policies and applied it to a number of industries, ranging from telecommunications to banking. Drawing on these new insights, governments can better encourage powerful firms to become more productive and, at the same time, prevent them from harming competitors and customers.
Unlike some previous recipients, such as Robert Engle and Clive Granger in 2003 or Eugene Fama in 2013, who won the prize for developing new econometric methods few laymen can understand, Mr Tirole's research has direct relevance to current policy issues. Most notably, his ideas of how to regulate industries dominated by a single large firm are helping to produce strategies for how to prevent Google from using its vast market share in the internet-search business to behave as a monopoly. And as we argued back in March, Mr Tirole's theories can also help us understand the impact on markets of disruptive forces such as Uber, a taxi app that matches customers and drivers. For those readers who want to read more about Jean Tirole's research and his career in more detail, here are some links that may be of interest:
From economist.com:
Microeconomics: A golden age of micro (October 2012).
Looking good by doing good: Rewarding people for their generosity may be counterproductive (January 2009).
Matchmakers and trustbusters: "Two-sided" industries intrigue economists and incite regulators (December 2005)
Journey beyond the stars: The brightest young economists are outgrowing their discipline's traditional boundaries (December 1998).
From elsewhere on the internet:
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