2015年2月7日 星期六

46m Americans claiming German ancestry

這張美國的德裔分布圖,容易讓人了解出身威斯康辛州的H. A. Simon的出身---他的回憶錄關於大學前的歲月都在此度過。

‪#‎DailyChart‬: On February 9th Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, will meet Barack Obama in the White House. They will discuss the war in Ukraine, transatlantic trade, the wobbling euro zone and the upcoming G7 summit in Bavaria. German-Americans will barely notice, few of them emphasise their links with the Fatherland. In the United States, German-Americans constitute the largest single ethnic group, yet despite 46m Americans claiming German ancestry, they are barely visible http://econ.st/1FfQHiM
