2017年1月25日 星期三

Artificial intelligence used to identify skin cancer

A deep learning algorithm created by researchers in the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory performed as well as 21 board-certified dermatologists in picking out deadly skin lesions.

In hopes of creating better access to medical care, Stanford researchers…

2017年1月14日 星期六

$250 Million To Support Advanced Robotics Venture Led by CMU

BREAKING: An independent institute founded by Carnegie Mellon University will receive more than $250 million to launch an advanced robotics manufacturing institute in Pittsburgh, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Friday. "This new institute will provide significant benefits to the region and the nation, while creating enormous opportunities for CMU scholars and researchers, and new momentum for the university," said Carnegie Mellon President Subra Suresh.

2017年1月7日 星期六

MIT SMR will launch "Artificial Intelligence and Strategy,"

Later this month, MIT SMR will launch "Artificial Intelligence and Strategy," a new content initiative that will explore the growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape. We invite you to sign up for our free monthly AI newsletter and be the first to hear about new insights on this leading-edge topic.

Our exploration will look specifically at how AI is affecting the development and execution of strategy in organizations. From leading scholars, business executives, and MIT SMR editors, the AI newsletter will bring you compelling research, articles, blogs, reports, and eventsthat:
 Explore the ways in which AI influences human decision making.
 Analyze how deep learning can mimic the way the human brain understands information.
 Look at how AI challenges managers to reconsider their roles and redefine their operating principles.
 Investigate the increasing collaboration between humans and machines.
 Teach leaders how to adapt training, performance, and talent acquisition strategies.
 Examine how AI affects strategy setting in a new world of platforms and ecosystems.

I look forward to exploring with you this exciting and challenging topic, and welcome your thoughts and ideas on its focus.
Best regards,

David Kiron
Executive Editor
MIT Sloan Management Review