2025年1月12日 星期日

“finding the needle in the haystack becomes practically impossible without the help of automation,”

 譬喻的說法有社會背景因素,然而學者Herbert Simon 將“finding the needle in the haystack"當成是現代問題解決學的比喻,展開其論述。


《魚玄機: 森鷗外歷史小說選》  鄭清茂譯,其中的 〈護持院原復仇記〉(脫胎自武士復仇的史料,提出申請得以復仇的主角,歷經千辛萬苦,走遍大半日本,幸得神佛保佑才得以了卻復仇之願。 )

.....住所不定,要在日本國中找他的下落,簡直 就像要在米倉裡尋找一顆特殊的米粒一樣。....頁96

 But the pampa is so immense that “finding the needle in the haystack becomes practically impossible without the help of automation,” 但潘帕斯草原面積如此廣闊,「如果沒有自動化的幫助,大海撈針幾乎是不可能的」。

said Marcus Freitag, an IBM physicist who collaborated on the project.

“It took nearly a century to discover a total of 430 figurative geoglyphs,” said Masato Sakai, an archaeologist at Yamagata University in Japan who has studied the lines for 30 years.

Dr. Sakai is the lead author of a survey published in September in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that found 303 previously uncharted geoglyphs in only six months, almost doubling the number that had been mapped as of 2020. The researchers used artificial intelligence in tandem with low-flying drones that covered some 243 square miles. Their conclusions also provided insights into the symbols’ enigmatic purpose.
