2009年1月24日 星期六

Music anMcCarthyismd

作為回憶錄 Models of My Life 當然會討論 McCarthyism

The Crucible: Arthur Miller play that used the Salem witch trials as a stand-in for McCarthyism premiered on Broadway; after a rocky start, it became a classic (1953)

music 是 Simon之一主題 他每天幾乎都談剛琴

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1. on Page 27:
"... predicted that within ten years a computer would be world chess champion, make scientific discoveries, and even compose aesthetically pleasing music 46 It is only fitting that the young Simon's church youth group in Milwaukee should have called themselves (proudly), "The ..."
2. on Page 229:
"... The Program Is the Theory 229 3. That within ten years a digital computer will write music that will be accepted by critics as possessing considerable aesthetic value. 4. That within ten years most theories in psychology ..."
3. on Page 298:
"... Mozart did not become an expert until he had been a musician for ten years: according to Simon, his earlier music is interesting only because Mozart wrote it. Only the music he wrote from his teens and later was "world-class:' Similarly, ..."
