企业的性质——起源、演变和发展The Nature of the Firm
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可參考Simon 的
The Nature of the Firm
Origins, Evolution, and Development
Edited by Oliver E. Williamson and Sidney G. Winter
ISBN13: 9780195083569ISBN10: 0195083563 Paperback,
256 pages Apr 1993, In Stock
In 1937, Ronald H. Coase published "The Nature of the Firm," a classic paper that raised fundamental questions about the concept of the firm in economic theory. Coase proposed that the comparative costs of organizing transactions through markets rather than within firms are the primary determinants of the size and scope of firms. Coase won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics for this work. This volume derives from a conference held in 1987 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Coase's classic article. The first chapter affords an overview of the volume. It is followed by a republication of the 1937 article, and by the three lectures Coase presented at the conference. These lectures provide a lively and informative history of the origins and development of his thought. Subsequent chapters explore a wide-range of theoretical and empirical issues that have arisen in the transaction cost economic tradition. They illustrate the power of the transaction cost approach to enhance understanding not only of business firms, but of problems of economic organization generally. In addition to Coase's work, contributors include Sherwin Rosen, Paul Joskow, Oliver Hart, Harold Demsetz, Scott Masten, Benjamin Klein, as well as the volume's editors, Oliver E. Williamson, and Sidney G. Winter.
The Nature of the Firm includes Coase's acceptance speech for his Nobel Prize in Economics.
"Our advice to anyone interested in organizations and organization theory is don't miss this book. It includes some of the past, present, and future of a major line of thought regarding the nature of the firm. It is an important contribution to the expanding interest in organization theory."--Journal of Management
"Particularly timely given Coase's receipt of the 1991 Nobel Prize for economics....For students and noneconomists, the volume provides an accessible route into the now enormous literature on economic organization....Specialists, on the other hand, will find ample grist for their analytical mills."--Business History Review
"The evolution of the theory is interesting, several important issues are discussed, and the suggestions for future research are illuminating. For those not familiar with this literature, the book provides a clear exposition of its origins and key ideas."--Business History
"Many of the papers are exccellent. The book is accessible to advanced undergraduates and graduate students and valuable for specialists in the field. It is that rare conference volume which is interesting, enlightening, and important."--Journal of Economic Literature
"A lively debate on economic approaches to the firm....It is unlikely that there is a better book than this one for understanding what the economics mainstream and periphery have to say today on the organization and governance of the firm."--Administrative Science Quarterly
企业的性质——起源、演变和发展主編/作者:(美)威廉姆森 (英)温特等等 译者:姚海鑫 邢源源
本书第一章是综述,然后是科斯发表于1937年的那篇经典论文以及他在本次研讨会上所做的三篇演讲。本书还包括六篇参会论文和两篇受本次会议启发所撰写的 论文。《法律、经济学与组织杂志》第四期(1988年春季号)刊登了本书中除导论和科斯1937年的论文以外的全部论文。
本书是一本论文集,收录了罗纳德·科斯于1937年首次公开发表的经典论文《企业的性质》,以及科斯在1987年为纪念“企业的性质”发表50周年而举 行的一次研讨会上所做的三篇演讲,还有科斯在获1991年诺贝尔经济学奖时所做的演讲。这些内容涉及到“企业的性质”的起源、意义和影响。从这四篇文章 中,我们能看到科斯学术思想的形成、演变及其发展。这对于真正理解科斯及其学术思想至关重要。
罗纳德·H.科斯(Ronald H.Coase)的经典论文“企业的性质”最初发表于1937年。本书重印了此文和1987年为庆祝“企业的性质”发表50周年而举行的一次研讨会的参会论文。组织此会是我们二人难得的幸事。耶鲁大学组织与管理学院(Yale School of Organization and Management)利用阿尔弗雷德·P.斯隆基金会(Alfred P.Sloan Foundation)所赠资金资助该会,对此我们深表谢忱。
本书第一章是综述,然后是科斯发表于1937年的那篇经典论文以及他在本次研讨会上所做的三篇演讲。本书还包括六篇参会论文和两篇受本次会议启发所撰写 的论文。《法律、经济学与组织杂志》第四期(1988年春季号)刊登了本书中除导论和科斯1937年的论文以外的全部论文。在此我们十分感谢牛津大学出版 社允许重印这些论文以及科斯1937年的论文。
正如本次会议和相关论文所揭示的,对组织的经济学研究方兴未艾。尽管该领域已经取得 了实质性进 展,但仍有许多问题悬而未决,有些问题则刚刚引起关注。鉴于有众多研究人才应用各种方法投身于该研究领域,我们对未来十年甚至五十年充满信心。而罗纳德· 科斯继续积极参与该领域的研究发展,则是所有参会者以及整个经济学界的幸事。
1 导论
2 企业的性质(1937)
3 企业的性质:起源
4 企业的性质:意义
5 企业的性质:影响
6 交易成本与内部劳动力市场