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Bibliography of Herbert A. Simon - 1960's

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Bibliography of Herbert A. Simon - 1960's

174Simon, H.A. (1960). Some further notes on a class of skew distribution functions. Information and Control, 3, 80-88.
175Simon, H.A., & Newell, A. (1960). What have computers to do with management? In G.P. Shultz and T.L. Whisler (Eds.), Management organization and the computer (pp.39-60). Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.
176Newell, A., Shaw, J.C., & Simon, H.A. (1960). A variety of intelligent learning in a general problem solver. In M.C. Yovits and S. Cameron (Eds.), Self-organizing systems: Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference (pp. 153-189). New York, NY: Pergamon Press.
177Simon, H.A. (1960). Management by machines: How much and how soon? The Management Review, 49, 12-19, 68-80.
178Simon, H.A. (1960). THE NEW SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT DECISION. New York, NY: Harper and Row.
179Holt, C.C., Modigliani, Muth, J., & Simon, H.A. (1960). PLANNING PRODUCTION, INVENTORIES, AND WORK FORCE. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
180Simon, H.A. (1960). Comment on A.K. Watson's speech "Methods and techniques to improve productivity: Developing newer techniques." Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Scientific Management, 10-11.
181Simon, H.A. (1960). The corporation: Will it be managed by machines? In M. Anshen and G.L. Bach (Eds.), Management and corporations, 1985 (pp. 17-55). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
182Clarkson, G.P.E., & Simon, H.A. (1960). Simulation of individual and group behavior. American Economic Review, 50, 920-932.
183Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1961). Simulation of human thought. In D. Wayne (Ed.), Current trends in psychological theory (pp. 152-179). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
184Simon, H.A. (1961). Decision making and planning. In H.S. Perloff (Ed.), Planning and the urban community (Chap. 11). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute of Technology and the University of Pittsburgh Press.
185Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1962). Computer simulation of human thinking and problem solving. In M. Greenberger (Ed.), Management and the computer of the future (pp.94-133). New York, NY: Wiley.
186Simon, H.A. (1961). Modeling human mental processes. Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference, May, 111-120.
187Simon, H.A., (1961). Do machines operate the way people do? Technology Review, 63, 20.
188Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1961). Comment on the article "The distinctiveness of stimuli" by B.B. Murdick, Jr. Psychological Review, 68, 285-288.
189Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1961). Forgetting in an association memory. Proceedings of the 1961 National Conference of the Association for Computing Machinery, 16, 202-205.
190Simon, H.A., & Ando, A. (1961). Aggregation of variables in dynamic systems. Econometrica, 29, 111-138.
191Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1961). GPS: A program that simulates human thought. In H. Billings (Ed.), Lernende automaten (pp. 109-124). Munchen: R. Oldenbourg.
192Simon, H.A. (1961). Reply to "Final Note" by Benoit. Mandelbrot. Information and Control, 4, 217-223.
193Simon, H.A. (1961). Reply to Dr. Mandelbrot's Post Scriptum. Information and Control, 4, 305-308.
194Simon, H.A. (1959). Chinese translation of the book Administrative Behavior. Committee for translation and compilation of college textbooks, Ministry of Education. Taipei, Taiwan, China.
195Simon, H.A. (1961). New approaches to decision processes, Part VII. In Selected papers from the workshop in research methods, for directors of university bureaus of business and economic research (pp. 319-456). Urbana: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois.
196Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1961). Computer simulation of human thinking. Science, 134, 2011-2017.
197Simon, H.A. (1961). The control of the mind by reality: Human cognition and problem solving. In S.M. Farber and R.H.L. Wilson (Eds.), Control of the mind (pp. 219-232). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
198Simon, H.A. (1961). Comment on the article "The meaning and uses of models" by P. Suppes. Syntheses, 13, 173-174.
199Simon, H.A. (1962). The decision maker as innovator. In S. Mailick and E.H. van Ness (Eds.), Concepts and issues in administrative behavior (pp. 66-69). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
200Simon, H.A. (1962). Foreword to the book Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences by H. Borko (Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
201Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1962). Reply to M. Taube's letter on the article "Computer simulation of human thinking." Science, 136, 196, 198.
202Simon, H.A., et al. (1962). Strengthening the behavioral sciences. Science, 136, 233-241.
203March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1962). Teoria de la Organizacion. Spanish translation of the book Organizations. J.M. Wahl, trans. Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel.
204Simon, H.A. (1962). New developments in the theory of the firm. American Economic Review, 52, 1-15.
205Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1962). Research summary: Simulation of human verbal learning behavior. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 5(4), 223.
206Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1962). Generalization of an elementary perceiving and memorizing machine [Abstract]. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 5, 319.
207Simon, H.A. (1962). An information processing theory of intellectual development. In W. Kessen and C. Kuhlman (Eds.), Thought in the young child (pp. 150-161). Yellow Springs, OH: The Antioch Press.
208Simon, H.A. (1962). Experiments with a heuristic compiler. 1962 Association for Computing Machinery National Conference, Digest of technical papers, p. 10.
209Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1962). A theory of the serial position effect. British Journal of Psychology, 53, 307-320.
210Newell, A., Shaw, J.C., & Simon, H.A. (1962). The processes of creative thinking. In H.E. Gruber, G. Terrell, and M. Wertheimer (Eds.), Contemporary approaches to creative thinking (pp. 63-119). New York, NY: Atherton Press.
211Simon, H.A., & Simon, P.A. (1962). Trial and error search in solving difficult problems: Evidence from the game of chess. Behavioral Science, 7, 425-429.
212Simon, H.A. (1962). The architecture of complexity. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106, 467-482.
213Simon, H.A. (1962). Technological change. Public Management, 44, 277-280.
214Simon, H.A. (1962). A note on mathematical models for learning. Psychometrika, 27, 417-418.
215Simon, H.A. (1962). El Comportamiento Administrativo. Spanish translation of the book Administrative Behavior. Madrid: Aguilar.
216Simon, H.A. (1963). Economics and psychology. In S. Koch (Ed.), Psychology: A study of a science (Vol. 6, pp. 685-723). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
217Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Performance of a reading task by elementary perceiving and memorizing program. Behavioral Science, 8, 72-76.
218Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Brief notes on the EPAM theory of verbal learning. In C.N. Cofer and B.S. Musgrave (Eds.), Verbal behavior and learning (pp. 333-335). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
219Simon, H.A. (1963). How computers can learn from experience. In W.F. Freiberger and W. Prager (Eds.), Applications of digital computers (pp. 11-27). New York, NY: Ginn and Company.
220Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Computers in psychology. In R.D. Luce, R.R. Bush, and E. Galanter (Eds.), Handbook of mathematical psychology (Vol. I, Chap. 7). New York, NY: Wiley.
221Holt, C.C., Modigliani, F., Muth, J., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Planeamiento de la Produccion, Inventarios y Mano de Obra. Spanish translation of the book Planning Production, Inventories, and Work Force. R.R. Caso, trans. Mexico: Herrero Hermanos Sucesores, S.A.
222Simon, H.A., & Van Wormer, T. (1963). Some Monte Carlo estimates of the Yule distribution. Behavioral Science, 8, 203-210.
223Ando, A., Fisher, F., & Simon, H.A. (1963). ESSAYS ON THE STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE MODELS. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
224Simon, H.A. (1963). Discussion: Problems of methodology. American Economic Review, 53, 229-231.
225Simon, H.A., & Levy, F.K. (1963). A note on the Cobb-Douglas function. The Review of Economic Studies, 30, 93-94.
226Simon, H.A. (1963). Foreword to the book Psychology in Administration: A Research Orientation by T.W. Costello and S.S. Zalkind (Eds.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
227Simon, H.A. (1963). Administracion de Empresas en la Era Electronica. Spanish translation of the book The New Science of Management Decision. A. Castano, trans. Mexico City: Editorial Letras.
228aSimon, H.A. (1963). The heuristic compiler. Rand paper RM-3588-PR. Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation.
228Simon, H.A. (1963). Experiments with a heuristic compiler. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 10, 493-506.
229Simon, H.A., & Kotovsky, K. (1963). Human acquisition of concepts for sequential patterns. Psychological Review, 70, 534-546.
230Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Generalization of an elementary perceiver and memorizing machine. In C.M. Popplewell (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing Congress 62 (pp. 401-406) Amsterdam: North-Holland.
231Feigenbaum, E.A., & Simon, H.A. (1963). Elementary perceiver and memorizer: Review of experiments. In A.C. Hoggatt and F.E. Balderston (Eds.), Symposium on simulation models: Methodology and applications to the behavioral sciences (pp. 101-110). Cincinnati: South-Western.
232Simon, H.A. (1964). Approaching the theory of management. In H. Koontz (Ed.), Toward a unified theory of management (pp. 77-85). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
233Simon, H.A. (1964). Comment: Firm size and rate of growth. Journal of Political Economy, 72, 81-82.
234Holt, C.C., Modigliani, F., Muth, J., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Planification de la Production des Stocks da l'Emploi. French translation of the book Planning Production, Inventories, and Work Force. Paris: Dunod.
235Simon, H.A. (1963). A framework for decision making. Proceedings of a Symposium on Decision Theory, 1-9, 22-28.
236March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Les Organisations: Problems Psycho-sociologiques. French translation of the book Organizations. J.C. Rouchy, trans. Paris: Dunod.
237Ijiri, Y., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Business firm growth and size. American Economic Review, 54, 77-89.
238Simon, H.A. (1964). Letter to the editor. Chess Life, 19, 79.
239Simon, H.A., & Simon, P.A. (1964). Letter to the editor. Behavioral Science, 9, 171.
240Simon, H.A. (1964). Decision making as an economic resource. In L.H. Seltzer (Ed.), New horizons of economic progress (Chap. 3). [The Franklin Memorial lectures, Vol. XII.] Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
241Simon, H.A. (1964). On the concept of organizational goal. Administrative Science Quarterly, 9, 1-22.
242Simon, H.A. (1963). A Capacidade de Decisao a de Lideranca. Portuguese translation of the book The New Science of Management Decision. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fundo de Culture, S.A.
243March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Teoria Organizacji. Polish translation of the book Organizations. S. Lypacewicz, trans. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
244Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Information processing in computer and man. American Scientist, 52, 281-300.
245Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1964). Simulation of cognitive processes. Proceedings of the XVII Congress of Psychology, 298-299.
246Simon, H.A., & Feigenbaum, E.A. (1964). An information-processing theory of some effects of similarity, familiarization, and meaningfulness in verbal learning. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 3, 285-396.
247Simon, H.A. (1964). Ishikekkei no Kagaku. Japanese translation of the book The New Science of Management Decision. M. Hirosuke, trans. Tokyo: Nikon Seisan Sei Honbu.
248Simon, H.A. (1964). Japanese translation of "The corporation: Will it be managed by machines." From the book Management and the Corporations, 1985 by M. Anshen and G.L. Bach (Eds.).
249Simon, H.A. (1964). Besluitvorming een Moderne Bedrijfswetenschap. Dutch translation of the book The New Science of Management Decision. H.E. du Puis, trans. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Het Spectrum.
250Simon, H.A. (1964). Problem solving machines. International Science and Technology, 3(36), 48-62.
251Simon, H.A. (1964). Rationality. In J. Gould and W.L. Kolb (Eds.), A dictionary of the social sciences (pp. 573-574). Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.
252Simon, H.A. (1965). Understanding creativity. Carnegie Review, 1964/1965, No. 2, 8pp.
253Simon, H.A. (1965). The promise of automation. Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin, 20, 7-15.
254Simon, H.A., Holtzinger, J.E., & Miller, F.K. (1965). Appendix: Economics of milk production and distribution in Pennsylvania. Report of the Public Members of the Governor's Milk Control Inquiry Committee, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
255Simon, H.A., & Newell, A. (1965). Heuristic problem solving by computer. In M.A. Sass and W.D. Wilkinson (Eds.), Computer augmentation of human reasoning (pp. 25-35). Washington, DC: Spartan Books.
256Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1965). Simulation of human processing of information. American Mathematical Monthly, 72(2), 111-118.
257Simon, H.A. (1965). Administrative decision making. Public Administration Review, 25, 31-37.
258Simon, H.A. (1965). Popularization, sweet and sour. [Reviews of the books Logic, Computing Machines and Automation by A.M. Hilton; and Mathematics and Psychology by G.A. Miller.] Contemporary Psychology, 10, 212-214.
259Simon, H.A. (1965). THE SHAPE OF AUTOMATION (for Men and Management). New York, NY: Harper and Row.
260Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1965). An example of human chess play in the light of chess playing programs. In N. Wiener and J.P. Schade (Eds.), Progress in biocybernetics (Vol. 2, pp. 19-75). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
261Simon, H.A. (1965). Comportamento Administrativo. Portuguese translation of the book Administrative Behavior (2nd ed.). Brazil: USAID, Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Publicacoes Tecnicas da Alianca Para o Progresso.
262Simon, H.A. (1965). Japanese translation of the book Administrative Behavior (2nd ed.). S. Takayanagi & T. Matsuda, trans. Tokyo: Diamond.
263Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1965). Programs as theories of higher mental processes. In R.W. Stacy and B. Waxman (Eds.), Computers in biomedical research (Vol. II, Chap. 6). New York, NY: Academic Press.
264Simon, H.A. (1966). Digital computer needs in universities and colleges. Publication #1233 of the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, Committee on Uses of Computers.
265Paige, J.M., & Simon, H.A. (1966). Cognitive processes in solving algebra word problems. In B. Kleinmuntz (Ed.), Problem solving: Research, method and theory (Chap. 3). New York, NY: Wiley.
266Simon, H.A. (1965). The logic of rational decision. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 16, 169-186.
267Simon, H.A. (1966). A computer for everyman. The American Scholar, 35, 258-264.
268Simon, H.A. (1966). Political research: The decision-making framework. In D. Easton (Ed.), Varieties of political theory (pp. 15-24). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
269Baylor, G.W., & Simon, H.A. (1966). A chess mating combinations program. Proceedings of the 1966 Spring Joint Computer Conference, 28, 431-447. [American Federation of Information Processing Societies.]
270Simon, H.A. (1966). Reply to R.L. Heilbroner's review of the book The Shape of Automation. The New York Review of Books, VI(9), 32.
271Simon, H.A. (1966). Reply to J. Reiner's letter to the editor on the article "A computer for everyman." American Scholar, 35, 583.
272Simon, H.A. (1966). Computer time allocation. [Letter to the editor.] Science, 153, 122.
273March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1966). Teoria dell'Organizzazione. Italian translation of the book Organizations. S. Mosca, trans. Milano: Edizioni di Comunita.
274Simon, H.A. (1966). Thinking by computers. In R.G. Colodny (Ed.), Mind and cosmos: Essays in contemporary science and philosophy (pp. 3-21). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
275Simon, H.A. (1966). Scientific discovery and the psychology of problem solving. In R.G. Colodny (Ed.), Mind and cosmos: Essays in contemporary science and philosophy (pp. 22-40). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
276Simon, H.A. (1966). The automation bogy. Reply to B. Seligman's review of the book The Shape of Automation. Dissent, July-August, pp. 427-429.
277Simon, H.A. (1966). Perspektiven der Automation fur Entscheider. German translation of the book The Shape of Automation. B. Richter-Reichhelm, trans. Quickborn: Verlag Schnelle Quickborn.
278Simon, H.A. (1966). The impact of new information processing technology: 1. On managers; 2. On the economy. Commercial Letter, October, 1-22. Toronto: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
279Simon, H.A. (1966). Review of the book Thought and Choice in Chess by A.D. deGroot. Contemporary Psychology, 11, 526-528.
280Simon, H.A. (1966). A note on Jost's Law and exponential forgetting. Psychometrika, 31, 505-506.
281Simon, H.A. (1966). Reflections on time sharing from a user's point of view. Computer Science Research Review, 43-51.
282Simon, H.A. (1967). Motivational and emotional controls of cognition. Psychological Review, 74, 29-39.
283Simon, H.A. (1966). Review of the book Random Processes and the Growth of Firms by J. Steindl. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 61, 1232-1233.
284Simon, H.A. (1967). The job of a college president. Educational Record, 48, 68-78.
285Simon, H.A. (1966). A note on almost-everywhere definability [Abstract]. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 31, 705-706.
286Simon, H.A. (1967). The business school: A problem in organizational design. Journal of Management Studies, 4, 1-16.
287Simon, H.A. (1966). De Besluitvorming in de Organisatie. Dutch translation of the book Administrative Behavior (2nd ed.). W. Groot-Haafkens, trans. Amsterdam: J.H. deBussy.
288Simon, H.A. (1967). Review of the book Mathematical Explorations in Behavioral Science by F. Massarik and P. Ratoosh (Eds.). Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 24, 384.
289Simon, H.A. (1967). The use of information processing languages in psychology. Proceedings of Colloques Internationaux de Centre National de la Recherch Scientifique July 1965, 303-326.
290Simon, H.A. (1967). Foreword to the book Consumer Decision Processes by F.M. Nicosia. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
291Simon, H.A. (1967). Programs as factors of production. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Winter Meeting, 1966, Industrial Relations Research Association, 178-188.
292Simon, H.A., & Rescher, N. (1966). Cause and counterfactual. Philosophy of Science, 33, 323-240.
293Simon, H.A. (1967). Literary output of scientists and engineers. [Letter to the editor.] American Documentation, 18, 113-114.
294Simon, H.A. (1967). Response to an inquiry of research and technical programs, Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives. In The Use of Social Research in Federal Domestic Programs, Part III, The Relation of Private Social Scientists to a Federal Programs on National Social Problems, 184-193. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
295Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1967). Memory and process in concept formation. In B. Kleinmuntz (Ed.), Concepts and the structure of memory (Chap. 11). New York, NY: Wiley.
296Simon, H.A. (1967). Information can be managed. Think, 33(3), 8-12.
297March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1967). Teoria das Organizacoes. Portuguese translation of the book Organizations. H. Wahrlich, trans. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Publicacoes Technicas da Alianca Para o Progresso.
298Gregg, L.W., & Simon, H.A. (1967). Process models and stochastic theories of simple concept formation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 4, 246-276.
299Simon, H.A. (1966-67). Translation of the article "On the question of the psychology of scientific creativity" by B.M. Kedrov published in V. Psikhologii, 1957, 3(6), 91-113. Soviet Psychology, 5(2), 18-37.
300Simon, H.A. (1966-67). Introduction to the translation of the article "On the question of the psychology of scientific creativity" by B.M. Kedrov published in V. Psikhologii, 1957, 3(6), 91-113. Soviet Psychology, 5(2), 18-37.
301Simon, H.A. (1967). Il Comportamento Administrativo. Italian translation of the book Administrative Behavior (2nd ed.). Bologna: Societa Editrice II Mulino.
302Newell, A., Perlis, A.J., & Simon, H.A. (1967). What is computer science? [Letter to the editor.] Science, 157, 1373-1374.
303Simon, H.A. (1967). Adapting to the need to understand thought. From a conference held at the Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, October 13-14, 1966.
304Simon, H.A. (1967). The changing theory and changing practice of public administration. In I. de Sola Pool (Ed.), Contemporary political science (Chap. 4). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
305Simon, H.A., Newell, A., Minsky, M., & Feigenbaum, E.A. (1967). Heuristic programs and algorithms. SIGART Newsletter, #6, 10-19.
306Simon, H.A. (1967). The logic of heuristic decision making. In N. Rescher (Ed.), The logic of decision and action (pp. 1-20). Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh.
307Gregg, L.W., & Simon, H.A. (1967). An information-processing explanation of one-trial and incremental learning. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 780-787.
308Simon, H.A., (1967). Testimony - hearings on a bill for a national foundation for the social sciences. Subcommittee on Government Research, Committee on Government Operations, U.S. Senate. Hearings, June 1967, Part 2. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 391-409.
309Simon, H.A. (1967). Review of the book Experiments in Induction by E.B. Hunt, J. Marin, and P. Stone. American Journal of Psychology, 651-653.
310Simon, H.A. (1967). An information-processing explanation of some perceptual phenomena. British Journal of Psychology, 58, 1-12.
311Simon, H.A. (1968). An open letter to H. Dreyfus. SIGART Newsletter, #8, 10-11.
312Simon, H.A. (1967). Mathematical models and artificial intelligence. In D.B. Lindsley and A.A. Lumsdaine (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Brain Function and Learning (Vol. IV, pp. 169-209). Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
313Ijiri, Y., & Simon, H.A. (1967). A model of business firm growth. Econometrica, 35, 348-355.
314Simon, H.A. (1968). Administrative behavior. In D.L. Sills (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 74-79). New York, NY: Macmillan and The Free Press.
315Simon, H.A. (1968). Causation. In D.L. Sills (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences (Vol. 2, pp. 350-356). New York, NY: Macmillan and The Free Press.
316Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1968). Simulation: Individual behavior. In D.L. Sills (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences (Vol. 14, pp. 262-268) New York, NY: Macmillan and The Free Press.
317Simon, H.A., & Sumner, R.K. (1968). Pattern in music. In B. Kleinmuntz (Ed.), Formal representation of human judgment (Chap. 8). New York, NY: Wiley.
318Simon, H.A. (1968). Direzione d'Impresa e Automazione. Italian translation of the book The Shape of Automation. S. de Vio & S. Perissich, trans. Milano: Etas Kompass.
319Smithburg, D.W., Thompson, V.A., & Simon, H.A. (1968). Administracion Publica. Spanish translation of the book Public Administration. M. Esteve, trans. Mexico City: Editorial Letras, S.A.
320Simon, H.A. (1968). The future of information processing technology. Management Science, 14, 619-624.
321Simon, H.A. (1968). Foreword to the book Behavior in Organizations: A Multidimensional View by A.G. Athos and R.F. Coffey. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
322Simon, H.A. (1968). Review of the book Mathematics in the Social Sciences, and Other Essays by R. Stone. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 26, 150-151.
323Simon, H.A. (1968). Research for choice. In W.R. Ewald (Ed.), Environment and policy: The next fifty years (pp. 360-380). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
324Simon, H.A. (1968). The behavioral sciences and the federal government [Chairman]. Report of the Advisory Committee on Government Programs in the Behavioral Sciences, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Publication #1680.
325Simon, H.A. (1968). On judging the plausibility of theories. In B. van Rootselaar and J.F. Staal (Eds.), Logic, methodology and philosophy of sciences III (pp. 439-459). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
326Simon, H.A. (1968). Information systems for management. In 1942-1967: Twenty-five years at RCA laboratories (pp. 48-58). Princeton, NJ: RCA Laboratories.
327Simon, H.A. (1969). THE SCIENCES OF THE ARTIFICIAL. [The Karl Taylor Compton lectures.] Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
328Simon, H.A. (1969). Adapting to the need to understand thought. In J.F. Voss (Ed.), Approaches to thought (pp. 329-332). Columbus, OH: Merrill.
329Simon, H.A. (1968). Automationens Betydelse for Samhalle och Foretagsledning. Swedish translation of the book The Shape of Automation. R.A. Back, trans. Stockholm: Wahlstrom and Widstrand.
330Simon, H.A. (1969). Man's new information environment. FAR Horizons, 2(3), 1-6.
331Simon, H.A. (1969). Testimony - hearings on a bill to establish a select senate committee on technology and the human environment. Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, U.S. Senate. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 201-218.
332Simon, H.A. (1969). The daily newspaper's place in a modern information system. Proceedings of the 1969 Convention, American Society of Newspaper Editors.
333Simon, H.A., & Barenfeld, M. (1969). Information-processing analysis of perceptual processes in problem solving. Psychological Review, 76, 473-483.
334Simon, H.A. (1968). Perception de pattern musical par "AUDITEUR." Sciences de l'Art, 28-34.
335Simon, H.A. (1969). On continuing one's education. NOVUS (the alumni publication of the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University), November, 3-4.
336Simon, H.A. (1969). Basic research in the sciences of behavior. Items, 23, 49-54. [Published anonymously.]
337Simon, H.A. (1969). The impact of the computer on management. Proceedings of the 15th International Management Congress, CIOS, 25-30.
338Simon, H.A. (1969). Shistemu no Kagaku. Japanese translation of the book The Sciences of the Artificial. T. Kurai, M. Inaba, & S. Yahagi, trans. Tokyo: Diamond.
339Simon, H.A. (1969). Men and computers in an information processing society (in Japanese). Gendai Keiei Diamondo (Diamond Management Today), 42-47.
340Simon, H.A. (1969). The problems of cities. Carnegie Review, 21, 4-6, 10-12.
341March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1969). Organisaties. Dutch translation of the book Organizations. H.E. Berg, trans. Amsterdam: J.H. deBussy.
