2016年6月5日 星期日

pump-priming...behavioural economics:提防“水滴定價”:Illuminating advice on the dark art of ‘drip pricing’

 最近讀K. J. Wu 轉來的洪蘭教授的"負面言語讓人「未戰先敗」"
其中引用 Daniel Kahneman的一些想法

 .......諾貝爾經濟獎得主康納曼(D.  Kahneman)在他的新書《Thinking, fast and slow  》中說,香蕉和嘔吐這兩個字本不相干,但是一旦把它們放在一起,會馬上令人感到不愉快。

 這個「促發效應」(priming  effect)非常強烈。即使沒有一個學生注意到,這些字有共同的主題「老」。他們也都堅持,老的念頭從未進入他們心中。然而,他們的行動卻變慢了,這就是所謂的「意念動作效應」(ideomotor effect)。

 現在我們可以查到近日心理學中的一熱門話題/爭議:Priming (psychology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Many of the priming effects could not be replicated in further studies, casting doubt on their effectiveness or even existence.[43] Nobel Laurate and psychologist Daniel Kahneman has called on social psychologists to check the robustness of priming studies in an open letter to the community, claiming that social psychology has become a "poster child for doubts about the integrity of psychological research."[44].....
 換句話說  "the priming effects"還只是待詳細驗證的假說.

or pump priming (pŭmp'prī'mĭng)
Government action taken to stimulate the economy, as spending money in the commercial sector, cutting taxes, or reducing interest rates.

Illuminating advice on the dark art of ‘drip pricing’
作者:英國《金融時報》專欄作家 蒂姆•哈福德2010.8.30
“You inched towards the dark side,” joked one behavioural economist after he read a recent column in which I hinted that his field has some merits. It was a quip that got me thinking, because behavioural economics does indeed have a dark side. Behavioural economists study the psychology of economic decision-making, and if they are any good at their task they will discover something the unscrupulous salesman could use to his advantage.


A behavioural economist turned rogue would exploit the “endowment effect” – a tendency for people to put a higher value on something that they feel they already own. He or she would also try to create the sense that consumers would lose out if they did not buy, because people seem to hate the idea of​​ losing £5 much more than they like the idea of​​ gaining £5.

一個從行為經濟學家轉行的無賴會利用“禀賦效應”(endowment effect)——這是一種人們將更高價值賦予感覺自己已擁有物品的趨勢。他(或她)同樣會試圖製造出一種感覺:即如果消費者不購買,他們就會吃虧。因為人們對於失去5英鎊的痛恨,似乎要遠甚於獲得5英鎊的欣喜。

Third, our rogue economist would attempt to suggest an “anchor” value that was much higher than the asking price, which would make the product seem cheap. It doesn't seem to be hard to create such anchor values​​: they can be produced by inviting experimental subjects to write down the last two digits of their social security number.


Fourth, he or she would make the pricing as complex as possible so that people struggled to compare one offer with a rival offer. Fifth, he or she would try to create a sense of social approval – everyone is buying this. Finally, a rogue economist would throw in something free.


Many unscrupulous salesmen have figured this advice out for themselves already. Think of infomercials. “The TimCo smokemaster doesn't retail for £200; it doesn't retail for £100; it doesn't retail for £50 … ” (anchoring to a price of £200) … “if our lines are busy, please try later” (social approval) … “the smokemaster is not available in regular stores” (loss aversion) … “but wait! When you buy the TimCo smokemaster you get the TimCo soup knife absolutely free” (complex pricing and use of “free”).

許多寡廉鮮恥的推銷員自己自己想出了這種辦法。不妨想想那些電視購物節目。 “TimCo抽油煙機的售價不是200英鎊,不是100英鎊,也不是50英鎊……”(將價格錨定在200英鎊)……“如果我們線路繁忙,請稍候再撥”(社會認同) ……“本產品不在常規商店出售”(損失厭惡感)……“但請等等!當你購買TimCo抽油煙機時,會免費獲得TimCo湯匙”(複雜的定價方式以及“免費”贈品)。

The UK's Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has been turning to behavioural economists for advice on such tactics, and has found that there is no pricing scheme more pernicious than “drip pricing”. Under the scheme, customers agree to pay a price only to discover that there is a charge for delivery; another charge for paying by credit card, and another for insurance. Drip pricing taps into the endowment effect, because customers feel that they have already made the decision to purchase; it creates loss aversion because customers commit time and effort to the search before being hit with extra charges; and it is a form of complex pricing which makes it hard to compare offers.

英國公平交易辦公室(Office of Fair Trading)一直在向行為經濟學家求助,尋求應對此類伎倆的建議。他們發現,最缺德的花招要算是“水滴定價”。在這種招數中,消費者同意支付一個價格,但不成想隨後送貨要收費;使用信用卡支付也要收費,另外還有保險費。水滴定價利用了禀賦效應,因為客戶覺得自己已做出了購買決定;它形成了損失厭惡感,因為在遭遇額外收費前,消費者已經在求購上投入了時間和精力;同時這也是一種複雜的定價方式,使消費者難以對價格進行比較。

The OFT research, conducted by consultants and academics at University College London, was based on a laboratory experiment in which students sat at a computer and were presented with hypothetical deals from two fictional retailers. The students were beguiled with various marketing tricks and had to decide from whom to purchase, in what quantity, and after how costly a search. There was no trick quite so guaranteed to confound them as drip pricing, in which they were hit first with an extra charge for handling and then with a charge for shipping. (A two-part drip is modest: according to the OFT, one package holiday provider used four unavoidable “drips”, and two computer retailers tacked on seven optional ones.)

由倫敦大學學院(University College London)的顧問和學者進行的OFT研究基於實驗室試驗,在實驗中,一些學生坐在一台電腦前,面對2家虛擬的零售商提供的假想交易。學生們要面對各式各樣的營銷花招,必須決定在付出多大代價的搜索後,從哪家購買,以及購買多大的數量。在讓學生們上當方面,沒有哪種花招像水滴定價那樣十拿九穩。在實驗中,他們先是遇到了處理費用,然後是運費。 (由兩部分組成的水滴定價招數還算是普通的:OFT表示,一家旅行社提供的方案包括4顆無法避免的“水滴”;而2家電腦零售商則附加了7個可選項)。

The OFT has been firing warning shots about drip pricing, but it will have its work cut out to regulate it – there is usually some loophole through which price drippers can slip. Buyers should remember that if they walk away when the drips start to fall, they won't get soaked.


