2016年6月3日 星期五

Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics By Richard H. Thaler. Daniel Kahneman:“Thinking Fast and Slow” and Anne Treisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy at Princeton

最近,天下文化出版了「行為經濟學之父」理查‧塞勒(Richard H. Thaler)的最新著作《不當行為》(Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics)
應該也蠻值得推薦。這本書除了介紹行為經濟學之外,也含有一點自傳的色彩,會寫到一些他跟Daniel Kahneman(快思慢想)、Amos Tversky這些重要的心理經濟學家的往來,很有意思。也可以參考台大經濟系馮勃翰老師為該書所寫的導讀文,其筆下的塞勒很精彩。
對於行為經濟學有興趣的朋友,也可以讀一讀理查‧塞勒的前作《贏家的詛咒》(The Winner’s Curse: Paradoxes and Anomalies of Economic Life),書中一個概念一個章節,這些早期實驗,如今已是被廣為應用的核心概念,有興趣的朋友不妨一讀。其內容如下:
1 前言
2 合作  
與羅賓.道斯(Robyn M. Dawes)合著
3 最後通牒賽局
4 跨產業工資差異
5 贏家的詛咒
6 稟賦效果、損失趨避及現狀偏誤
與丹尼爾.卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)及傑克.克尼區(Jack L. Knetsch)合著
7 偏好反轉
 與阿莫斯.特佛斯基(Amos Tversky)合著
8 跨期選擇
 與喬治.羅文斯坦(George Loewenstein)合著
9 儲蓄、替代性及心理帳戶
10 按注分彩投注市場
 與威廉.辛巴(William Ziemba)合著
11 股票市場上的日曆效應
12 華爾街回歸平均值
 與韋納.狄邦特(Werner F. M. De Bondt)合著
13 封閉型共同基金
 與查爾斯.李(Charles M. C. Lee)及安卓立.史列佛(Andrei Shleifer)合著
14 外匯
 與肯.福盧特(Kenneth A. Froot)合著
15 結語


“Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman​
Daniel Kahneman​
Kahneman used decades of psychology research to construct “Thinking Fast and Slow,” which won a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. 
Delving into the two systems that drive the way we think — System 1, which is fast and emotional, and System 2, which is slower and more logical — Kahneman exposes the faults and biases of certain thought processes.
The book challenges readers to consider how they think, including monitoring their reactions, judgments, and choices.

 Daniel Kahneman 諾貝爾經濟學獎

  1. Anne Treisman - 2011 National Medal of Science - YouTube


    Feb 8, 2013 - Uploaded by NationalMedals
    Anne M. Treisman, Princeton University - National Medal of Science 2011 for a 50-year career of penetrating ...

An anonymous gift will support fellowships, new research projects, lecture series and more in the new Daniel Kahneman and Anne Treisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy at Princeton.
